[SFoL] SFoL 49: Triple Threat: Hand of Byzantium - Canned


Inactives are usually NAI though.

I want to say this is village (I don’t agree with it but this kind of reasoning suggests complex thought about the gamestate that I don’t really see coming from wolf!Possessed) but something stops me from outright saying it.

Possesed is probably >rand village though.


It sounds odd, but it is in the range of Town!Possessed

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life hurts


Think like scum to find scum.

Think like village to sheep onto another villager like most village does :grimacing:

/vote blizer Lets go :train:

Are you saying that you are trying to think like scum and write posts like scum to find scum


sheeping is a weapon in your arsenal that should be used when neccecary, such as when I’m in the game and are village :^)

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Weren’t you convinced about Math a second ago that he was confirmed scum :thinking:

This feels really off and I’m not sure why.

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Yep We can have 2 lock scum now

Attention to thread from this is good while also not being opportunistic.
If Blizer sucks at faking progression then he probably rolled town here

Dang is it reading scummy to you? I’m just thinking out loud.

/Vote Possesed

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Fool me once shame on me

Fool me twice I eat you

Well that’s not fun :frowning:

/vote possessed :sheep:

I have heard this way too many times lul.

@Icibalus look at his posting and tell me he’s not a wolf