[SFoL] SFoL 49: Triple Threat: Hand of Byzantium - Canned

Read why I say things.

Reading what I say will get a ML.

Can I sheep this person for easy town cred? She’s obviously town.

Do I have to spell it out for scum reading or are you guys gonna stop pushing me ?

They shouldn’t push you.

Technically no one is pushing you but okay

And yes, I ISO’d you and at least I found nothing out of the ordinary. Yet. :3

I wasn’t even trying to point out you were a wolf there, I was simply demonstrating to Meteoro why the defense he gives for you is invalid.

Although, come to think of it, i bet you weren’t softing Arbiter at all.

Question, where in the world did she soft??? I looked through and I couldn’t find jack.


Put it this way: If I were on the outside looking in, I’d read Possessed the same exact way I’d read htm. Which is WHY I’m reading htm town (unless htm disappears).

I think it’s fair to say that not all of the posts that seemed semi-irrelevant weren’t actually semi-irrelevant.

“I’m confirmable guys lOL”

I left my soft very open because I KNOW how detrimental it would be to lose Arb N1. I’m smart enough to know that if I willfully softed that as actual Arb, town is screwed.

request from shurian:

Starting game by trying to appear helpful usual scumpost

immideatly starts whiteknighting

the starts fluffing

shadethrow on priestess

scummy post there is literally no reason for this

continue to shadethrow and refuces to take strong stance next post

post for sake of post

doesnt hold up since this is common for me

this is definition of scummy

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Uh what’s dis o.O

t o o t i r e d t o m a k e m o r e

sigh Don’t claim. You’re at no risk of being suspected, and any attempt to push you will be 100% benefiical tonight.

I think I know what Poss was actually trying to soft, and them softing that is probably indicative of them thinking about what kind of soft would be best for the village rather than what would make them look the best.

@Kirefitten @Geyde trust me on this.

I didn’t plan on it Ici hehe.


well not right now, anyway.

ici is lockscum cuz I said so