[SFoL] SFoL 49: Triple Threat: Hand of Byzantium - Canned


Why did you gladiate Htm, and not, y’know, leave it for a more desperate situation?

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Because no guts no glory

and I wouldn’t have been able to use it later due to championships

I agree that the gladiate was a bad move even though htm is wolf; it rumbles FK’s position as the Magistrate/Judge easily and stops potential VCA tommorow.

@MathBlade I had to out the soft to stop Poss from outing fully. At least there’s a possibility the wolves will be idiots and not realise what he obviously is now.

Then why’d you join? :thinking:

Alice blackmailed me and said I could sheep someone

Except he is not confirmed by any means whatsoever.

If town he is Magistrate
If scum Unseen

There is literally NOTHING that confirms FK.

This is exactly the road he wants you on. If you think he is confirmed mechanically show me where.

Your argument is that you have no argument

Until you provide evidence all you doing is spamming I’m scum which isn’t helpful


Why is FK specifically Unseen and not, say, Cult Apostle with the Judicial Decree cult alt?

You better hope so.

Like fuck we need so many heals to protect the townblock like fuck.

Cult can’t gain unique alt’s.

to out a wolf d1 and get “SPK’d”, obviously. This is part of Awardscumming, as dying early after catching a wolf D1 is a clear sign that you’re a Good Player™.

(@Wolves it’s not too late to bus your funniest player to get an easy Best Lolcats award)


How’d you mean?

Do you really think someone would be STUPID enough to use a gladiate ability Day 1? You know actions that are so stupid that only Town can do it? Well, this is one of those times

That was mechanically eliminated earlier in thread. Can’t look it up on Mobile getting ready for work.

Cults cannot choose unique classes when they are choosing alt’s, they must have been converted

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You mean how I did as scum and almost got myself out of a sticky situation as scum? This is a non argument

Town doesn’t stop town on Day One. It’s a sin against town


Yeeees, someone would use that

Especially someone like FK who has beaucoup des cojones as scum

Oh really? Then please, enlighten me when you’ve “did something too stupid to be scum” as scum