[SFoL] SFoL 49: Triple Threat: Hand of Byzantium - Canned

ultra dab

Look Isaac claims noob.

You haven’t reread my ISO and you are still pushing this angle?

I’m struggling to look at this.
I want to say you are muscling all of your reads behind associations and fear tactics, but this is damn blatant egotistical ********. You aren’t out to actually give reasons for your pushes, instead out to be blatantly anti-town by not saying anything and still accusing players for associations and ‘openwolfing’

no im pro

but its not only Bluestorm theres like 6 of these posts about different players, idk I enjoyed them and TRed him off it

one of the best players calling me a pro

theres 6 scum

im confirmed

Because I really don’t see what a scum kitten benefits hugely from in regards to an HTM lynch.

You said somewhere that this was similar to your play in nier drakengard, well no not really there are a few differences

  1. He has to be gladiating someone he knows is a different alignment to himself
  2. I really don’t see anyone who is confused about the play itself, I see people who understand it. Whereas in nier people were gobsmacked and thus sort of just avoided pushing you

Walk someone through your reads because right now you’re just spitballing at best and sowing chaos at worst

I can’t reread ISOs at work.

Once you’re lock scum it’s up to you to demonstrate otherwise.

I have my reads I have presented why.

DatBird is the only person actually playing so they get a townread.


lol, okay

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Mathblade seems townie to me.

Just that last bit

unseen - hmt datbird geyde cult - james soulshade PKR

I have several times. Why don’t you “reread my ISO?”

Your entry was bad.

Your reads lack depth.

All of your interactions are barebones.

You aren’t using your noggin

You aren’t trying to TL.

Isaac has this game solved time to concede scum :^)


/concede /s

cuz im a pro

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