[SFoL] SFoL 49: Triple Threat: Hand of Byzantium - Canned

Tell that to screaming in dead chat Geyde. He absolutely flipped his shit.

See this i don’t agree with. Why would Geyde bleed Priestess immediately on push? That’s not a play someone of Geyde’s caliber would seem to do.

I’m starting to actually believe the fake bleed theory.

Does flipping shit mean it was a panic bleed?

It was possessed who panic bled that game.

Also dead scum don’t count


Well, it was actually done to distract everyone else in dead chat which got too far cough

I was trying to derail dead chat

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Yes it does. Scum was down to Solic and a guiltiest Possessed.

Here I have FK in my sights

Priestess has Geyde.

That’s 2/3 Unseen

More than enough for a panic bleed

Bleed on who? I think we only bled one person, and that was me doing it to htm because I was getting lynched anyway. It was a “use em or lose em” situation.

pretty sure Priestess said she TRs Geyde now iirc

At the time Priestess claimed bled she wasn’t

I have to go

thank you, thats what I thought

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I was assassin not Geyde :blush:


There is something to be said about this however
Scum Math definitely knows how to continue shenanigans even after he has died
Why did he not consider the possibility now? That would indicate a town mindset

Gaaaah that means my small tinfoil will never see the light of day

It also means math is pig-headed town like what I thought

Set it free even if its not right, we might be able to use it to think differently

Well obviously it’s that Math could be cult

WAIT that kind of makes sense why he’s trying so hard to stick the lynch over to firekitten so much

Regardless this makes me want to lynch HTM more

Thoughts on Theory:

  • Geyde always reads Priestess scum and vice versa.

  • On push, Priestess claims bleed to point direction towards Geyde since he was pushing her.

  • Priestess gets towncred and draws attention of healer N1. Geyde looks a bit less town.

The bleed is random and Priestess wasn’t even a target for scum based on reads.

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@DatBird help me moderate my thoughts pls

sure the cult thoughts or new ones