[SFoL] SFoL 49: Triple Threat: Hand of Byzantium - Canned

…Please Alice the mod grant me a one time instant smite right now for this post

It’s weird to think out loud about a point you havent made yet sure. But is it scummy? Not really sure it is. Like I can see why you think it is because it’s a weird statement and inconsistent. But I guess I’m macrotownreading him overall and like micronullreading that statement at best. Like is there anything else scummy, you mentioned interactions but didnt say who

I’m kind of at a standstill where I don’t know where the scum could be, but don’t want to go back on my reads. There are very few lurkers who have not been sorted by this point.

Real arbiter already outed dummy

Nope they didn’t. Just guessing though.

Or maybe it’s cover who knows? Maybe it’s real maybe it’s not?

You can’t do cop cover at this point.
It’s effectively pointless, it just messes with town trying to read and lets scum derpclear

Oy everyone is to shut up about arbiter and let whoever it is do their darned job instead

Jeez don’t be fools, nothing was mentioned about the darned arbiter.

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Right I’m not the arbiter, you are not the arbiter, no ones the arbiter


I’m saying they already fuckin outed.
It’s pointless to try to conceal it since scum undoubtedly picked up on the HC.

We really don’t care about keeping it silent at this point since there are already 50 signs pointed towards it

Psst Geyde please read between the friggin lines I beg of you

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I heard Alice is the Arbiter and that anyone else saying otherwise is silly.

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Wait, how many Arbiter claims are there?


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Actually 7. You shouldn’t read up, it’ll hurt your brain.

It’s not weird to think out loud about a point you haven’t made.

It is weird to think out loud that you made it when you haven’t. Other interactions coming up this is brutal on a phone

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I don’t soft classes, you really are overthinking things if you got to that conclusion

In fact, the more uncertainty there is about the arbiter, the better is protects them.

77777…777777777…7 arbiter claims. That’s 1/4 of the players in the game.

This one is also weird.

The reason being is that there distinctly implies there was an opportunistic alternative.

Secondly if Blizer sucks at faking town progression then he probably rolled town has nothing to do with this post. He also doesn’t follow up metawise on if Blizer sucks at progression or not.

It’s just a townread without an intelligible explanation.