[SFoL] SFoL 49: Triple Threat: Hand of Byzantium - Canned

Oh so now it’s a subjective “degree” thing.

Yay for absolute meaningless drivel.

Sad thing is I actually believe that htm. I believed in you being town all along.

Messages aren’t always player to player through a mod.

That was a signal but not what you think it was for and nothing to do with my class.

And that’s all I am gonna say on it.

@Mathblade I see where you initially came from with Scum reading kitten, due to the Gladiate

Lets go through some of his interactions with Ici and see if we missed something here, cause i see both town or scum kitten Gladiating.

I understand now why you weren’t understanding why I was town reading you and why you were scumreading me for instantly town reading you


Now let’s pretend you’re town a moment and analyzing this. Let’s assume that you’re reading me from where I have seen you do before. Name what reason I would have to townread you.

Okay where would you like to start? There’s a lot and I am at work.

If you think I’m a mislynch shouldn’t you try to convince others to not vote me :thinking:

This quote i find interesting

He softs to Kitten about starting a wagon on Possessed (This was during their chess talk)

If Ici and Fk were on the same scum team, would Ici tell Kitten in their scum chat to start a wagon on him, or would he hint it in the game thread, and make it look more natural


You are saying that you disagreeing with everyone is not indicative of you being scum with an example that doesn’t apply here. Me calling out that it doesn’t apply, does not turn my argument into “meaningless subjective drivel”.

If there are players you want to call out for meaningless drivel, there are way better targets ^^, but you have to assassinate my thread persona in order to shut down the heat on you, so I get it. :eyes:

Their Chess talk is something to look at

And aswell Ici`s stance around Fk after the gladiate.

Reminder that the last time Math did this, he was town

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Wait what they can send two?

There is two messenger classes that spawn when one spawns

Librarian and who else? Cabalist? I didn’t read properly.

Ooh, Librarian is just log stuff.

Which is uh, kinda super useful come to think about it.

Cabalist spawns with another cabalist in the game

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The mech info I had was a message from a Cabalist.
Drastically reduces chance of FK scum because 3 cap on Prestige

I am saying that even if I was scum (which I am not) your argument is horribly flawed. If you actually want to mislynch me (or from your incorrect POV lynch me) then you’re going to have to bring a better argument.

Today also right now, if you assume I am scum there is nothing that can be done about it. You’re better off trying to find my “scum agenda” and stopping it than screaming I am scum.

The only thing your argument right now does is twofold

  1. If you’re town and Crusader and are going to shoot me then you’ve told me I have one day to live. Whatever my alignment then I move accordingly as if I have just one day.

  2. If you’re lying and trying to give me cover to do my thing investigating people then you’re leaving yourself exposed when you’re alive the next day.

I am telling you this so you become a better player. If you genuinely honestly think I am scum stop tipping your hand and work together with others.

Thirdly if you actually believed I was scum you wouldn’t need to scream it you would just kill me.

In other words I am calling your bluff and ignoring you.


Does Cabalist take up two Prestige class slots?