Icibalus once said that scum deals in probabilities while town deals in probable
Hey new meme time.
Attempt number two
What do you get when you cross a Math and a Blade?
A multiplicative stab wound.
Htm’s argument is
If one can switch their scum meta, why cant they switch their town meta?
Yes switching town meta doesnt make sense tho
I feel like scum don’t blatantly rolefish for no good reason
You have not proved that he’s scum. You have proved he’s doing H_Hjaisk things.
He’s not role fishing wtf
You get my math homework
Wait where have I rolefished??
My first scum game was the first grand idea, I made a ballsy play and then somehow got lynched d1
I just remember Marl getting a lot of likes on the post of me flipping and I distinctly remember Sam tunneling me
Want some help with it? Then I at least feel useful.
He was trying really hard to get me to talk about the fake message when I explicitly stated it would be indicative of who the Cabalist was
I’m done with this schoolyear, but thanks.
I think that’s NAI
Awww you tease
I despise conic sections
Everything else was easy
Being interested in it sounds something like what town and scum Htm would do
I told you to specifically paraphrase it
And once you told me to stop, I stopped.
I like how Htm ignores my arguments once I prove him wrong
It’s like he isn’t thinking
Conic sections are fun.
What gets really weird is Linear Algebra and Matrices.