[SFoL] SFoL 49: Triple Threat: Hand of Byzantium - Canned

Entrust Dev-xblade.

When did entrust become a meme? This ain’t supposed to be… haiz

I dunno do we even have any other roles that can check alignment?

Rainbow Cake has came back and stronger than ever!

Morning, ladies and gentlemen.

You were outed as scum

I am not lying this time

No, I was outed as being red checked by BlueStorm. Totally different things, you will find.

Ah shit, here we go again.

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I suppose I MIGHT AS WELL tell you my very sensible and totally genuine claim. I am in fact the Awardvig. Essentially, I can vig any player that talks about winning awards, which is something I ha ve been planning from the start. If you notice, I set up an incredibly subtle soft in my first post which you can see outed here:

Obviously, an ordinary human being such as one of you people could NEVER see my incredibly subtle soft, but that dosen’t fucking matter because I’m nonetheless LOCK CLEAR for talking about a soft, showing a lack of self-conciousness that clears me from being a wolf or some shit like that.

Anyway, something TERRIBLE happened that night which really threw a giant fucking wrench into my plans to become LOCK CLEAR on Day 2 and shoot some wolves who want awards, which I will explain shortly.



Math is your scummate right?
I just want to know so I can make gifs before you guys flip.

I was bled.

You see, it turns out that @Geyde is in fact a modified version of the Cabalist, because you weren’t told this was a closed setup. He can in fact invite people to his neighbourhood, but ONLY if they wear a gown with a snowflake on it, which naturally made me peek as Special to BlueStorm. Unfortunately, alas, the leftover traces of being an omnimiller meant that this was bound to make me peek as guilty, and thus the endless cycle of ici being an omnimilller continues.

However, I can propose a scenario that proves to all of you once and fucking for all that I can’t be a wolf, because you clearly need that right now: YOU CAN PROVE THAT I CAN BE A WOLF BUT YOU CAN’T PROVE I CAN’T. Unless you can prove right now that I’m not Claimvig/Omnimiller with special robes from Geyde that make me peek as Cult Leader, not only are you going to vig a villager, but you are also objectively bad at mafia.

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math can be on any team you want him to be
you just have to believe

Oh boy.

Believe in the heart of the cards?

I think this is Ici‘s version of lolcating

no, just misread him or something, I don’t really care

Ahem. I’m bleeding.

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…what do you mean I’m holding the fucking knife?

I swear to god, people nowadays have no respect for the medical tradition! @Magnus I’ve cured you of the plague, I hope you’re happy nopw.

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I can prove you aren’t a wolf, but instead a mafioso.

You just used mafia terminology instead of werewolf terminology, ERGO YOU AREN’T A WOLF BUT YOU ARE SCUM