[SFoL] SFoL 49: Triple Threat: Hand of Byzantium - Canned


yes he was in the adjective mafia?

Basically Hja is scum due to sheeping/bad reasoning.

Hja was trying to create some ultra distancing from Math and thus decided to do what she did. However it back-fired as it felt odd so she went sheeping everywhere.

I remember that shudders go reread HTM there

it was a soft u nub

I have a stupid idea.

Alright we are having a game. Everyone state who they want to the arbiter to check N1. The arbiter doesn’t have to and shouldn’t feel compelled to check this person however you should still state WHO they want checked

Ostensibly means observably true, ie you could look at it and come to that conclusion.

Honestly? Hjasik.


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Scum Htm, doesn’t start by pointing out how lazy it is. He doesn’t point out his own laziness as scum period.

I’ll drop the read if you find me 2 games where he did it as scum. :man_shrugging:

That’s a bit of a stretch isn’t it?

Arbiter Checks


I might not know what ostensibly means. In my mind it means “actively showing”.

Thoughts people?

Don’t leave me hanging on my theory

Also MetA rEaDs aRe LiKe A gOoD pAiR oF gLaSsEs

Challenge accepted

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I just realised something gang, we reached a new record.

basically yeah

We went 6 hours in an Alice game with 0 deaths,
this requires a celebration!

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