[SFoL] SFoL 49: Triple Threat: Hand of Byzantium - Canned

Every good scum in their mind knows it’s extremely obvious you are faking



one job


This game Has become a dumpster fire less than 12 hours into the game

How the fuck did this occur

I blame possessed and not the gladiate

Screw you and all your FPSing crap I’m sick of it, absolutely sick of it

Magnus literally OUTED that he was arbiter and you still want to stick with this bullshit, I’m going to make it my personal mission to death tunnel you and make sure you are lynched today because there’s no way you are shading me

Its both

Your Gladiate was stupid, and you should have checked for pluarity

Solic, if you’re still planning on killing two people today, please choose Possessed as one of your targets, thank you :slight_smile:


Glaidate wasn’t stupid Htm is still scum get good

I like how 6 hours ago FK had possessed on the townbloc, and now want his head chopped off.

Fine. I’ll do it.

It’s because he claimed arbiter or was softing it

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Im ehh on it

Ill iso him and you

You know what this gladiate is probably why Magnus outed in the first place, I can’t believe this

Uhhhhhh, using it D1’s pretty crappy ngl even if htm is scum

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not really

it was possessed


Not really, I couldn’t use it D2 or D3 as I would be in championships

I wanted to die quick

easiest way to die is to get confirmed and death tunnel a scum
