[SFoL] SFoL 49: Triple Threat: Hand of Byzantium - Canned

Yeah. Our Arbiter is only scum pressed this


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who is though

Watch memesky die tonight.

i cc whoever claimed arbiter

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Magnus is the lamb that will be slaughtered for the sins of this town

and himself for outing

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It’s Lena Oxton

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He May die, but he will live in our Hippo Alt hearts

No he isn’t.

he is if you do read

magnus why did you claim arbiter lol

It doesn’t matter, magnus is killing possessed tonight no matter what

Magnus was death immune.

which noob pressured magnus into claiming arbiter

You are all a bunch of idiots Arbiter claim is fake

Going to go back to building a house in ark ping me if you need me

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no u

He claimed it of his own free will :man_facepalming:

lol magnus