[SFoL] SFoL 49: Triple Threat: Hand of Byzantium - Canned

is this a legit claim?

‘Course not. Couldn’t think of anything else to say :thinking:

Because if it is, we are going to have to lynch you tomorrow or get solic to kill you

Don’t modkill me.

Oh wait is joke my bad son :^)

im getting a little slow in my old age

/vote htm
I’m placing my vote here so that FK doesn’t get lynched on accident

/vote htm srsly.


Careful not to majority hammer peoplr

My ancestry is still a mystery :face_with_monocle:

Its Pluarity

There is no Majority d1

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Why did fk gladiate?

He Scum read Htm

(Voted Soul for stuff. Post 755. Still reading on. Rest are a convoluted pile of trash I think I can safely ignore because its just “a bunch of townies” trying to force scumslips out of one another)

I have my suspicions, but let me read through everything before I slam a vote.

Where did you come to this conclusion lol

Also why tf did our Arbiter out

Dont ask why memesky claimed arbiter.

You see the more we talk about magnus the arbiter the more scum are going to know, stop talking about it

also you’re getting checked tonight mate

Arbiter vs arbiter.

That’s fine, there isn’t a frame class in the game so its both a wasted check and a Townlock check on me :slight_smile:

This sounds familiar…