[SFoL] SFoL 49: Triple Threat: Hand of Byzantium - Canned

I wish I was scum so I could kill you but alas I can’t lol.

What you ARE doing is making it so I can’t exercise my class correctly though.

Ok how can we exercise your class properly?

Check me tonight end of story. Then you can kindly stuff it :upside_down_face:

I ask you this

If you are town, defend against my arguments instead of relying on a mechanical check and or your “confirmable class”

Ok but how are you confirmable? And why soft something so PR if you arent?

What do you want me to say that doesn’t involve hard claiming?

Why my arguments are wrong

Tone reading you Town rn

I like your push on Possessed atm.

no not that your opinion on this if I were to use this on championships

And yes, i like angry and aggressive FK

:slight_smile: Ayy

I softed a confirmable class, not a PR. I have no bearing on others levels of reading comprehension.

Uhh, Could be good

Idk, im not the best player FK, dont think i can give the best advice

Possessed do you want to hear a story

This story is about PKR and his confirmable class addiction

oh yeah PKR is in this game

Once upon a time, there was a guy named Pokemonkidryan. They loved to claim they were confirmable and they wanted protective on them. Most of the times they did this they weren’t confirmable and was scum.

I think you are the newer generation of PKR

I thought his name was Pokemonkidryab.

You have played 0 games with me.

You somehow thought I softed Arb.

You made me soft in the first place.

You CONTINUE to push me after leading Arb to check me, which I welcome with open arms.

I tell you even if Arb didnt check me, Actuary can confirm me or I can do it myself.

You’re basically forcing a HC without a HC.

You are desoerately trying to lead town.

The writing is all there for you.

Theres one class we’d be extremely upset and esctatic if you claimed and you know it.