[SFoL] SFoL 49: Triple Threat: Hand of Byzantium - Canned

No, it’s not?

Reread the passive



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We have failed, I think Alice is getting drunk today

I would if I could
It’s SFoL 48 all over again

Don’t worry my dear, we will be joining her shortly.

Someone already drank the two sips when possessed claims feels bad for them when James claimed

cries me oh my I wish I could just disappear >.<

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Take no sips for James.

is there any other invest that finds cult/unseen

Socialite has a single faction check, that’s it.

(hurry up and start SHCing fam)

cool we already lost then

So we have to keep arbiter alive?

protective abilities don’t work so

Yes, all protectives on Magnus our arbiter fam

I will personally guard Magnus our arbiter to ensure he can get off as many checks as possible

Im not Arbiter.

So yeah finally finished that ISO. Its a combination of a couple pushes people have done on her this game with my opinions throughout

Priestess ISO

So this is the opener and its a remark about HTM not reading his classcard, that he brought up before, in another thread. At first it felt like a funny jab at HTM but the more I read this its just odd, because why would this be your opener. Why would you purposefully just shadethrow someone right out the back. Just doesn’t feel like something she would have done in her other recent games.

This quote was just plopped mid conversation, with no reply to anyone, and didn’t seem to be about the conversation in thread at all, I have no clue who she means by we’ll. Maybe Im overanalysing this one post but Im just lost at what its point was.

Priestess here and later down the thread seems to defend HTM a lot, it just feels weird. Team between them is heavily possible especially if HTM flips scum.

Again, this just feels like its not a part of the conversation in thread at all, and heres the three posts before it. Like maybe shes asking about whats the JoJo reference was, but like idk it just feels off in the current situation.

Yes so they know game is going on, and they can actually be town/scum read and not hide

I still don’t get this push on Possessed by her, it just felt opertunistic since both FK and Ici did and then played it off with

Thats not something you do, you don’t fake vote people for fun especially if you TR them

FK and Possesed were both quick to catch on to this, but it seemed like the conversation just died there.

Also FK was saying someone was telling you to vote Possessed, not that you would tell a scummate that was obvious town, you would already probably know that or assume its the other evil faction.

Totally agree with Ici here, she has kinda just popped in and only really talked about HTM and Possessed at this point in thread, and whats she said to both of them are weird. Why ask HTM if he read his card, why vote obv town in your eyes Possessed none of these plays make sense.

I call BS because later in thread especially with your read on Geyde

That is not a reason you vote someone you think is town

because they memed about in being in a scum chat, really…

I’m not really sure what you are saying here. Just like what is this post.

If shes scum shes scum

And what are their intentions?

Just shade

You did and then when he softed you didnt

A push isn’t shade. Shade is when you are making fun of someones play or being overall rude, something I dont think Geyde was being shadethrowy at all

One you voted an obvtown by your own words, and two there wasnt shade

Yah didnt get a PR to soft a role or nothing

What is with these pushes, absolutely seems oppertunistic.

OK so this is my main thing with Priestess, I dont beleive this at all. One so far in thread, you haven’t really contributed much, and when you did you voted Possessed and got called out for it. Then immediately said it was a trap to get more people to do it and that you thought Possessed was obv town. Then you push on Geyde for shadethrowing. Realistically there is two conclusions. Geyde bled you, because you pushed him, but that would be obvious it was him since no one else was pushing you atm, or two thi, and this is Geyde we are talking about, he wouldnt make it so obvious, or two it is aa fake bleed. Hear me out Prietess is known to fake claim as town and scum, why wouldn’t she fake a bleed, waste a heal. No good scum would bleed you it doesnt make sense by how you have posted so far.

Thought your reads took a while, but you seem to be heavily scum reading geyde for pushing Wazza.

  1. Just because hes good doesnt make him scum, it makes him harder to read sure
  2. This wasnt his first joining of thread
    2.B. Its a push, not everything is trying to get someone killed
  3. Yeah I also beleive Wazza is town for existing

See the not shade thing

Bleeding I think not :thinking:

Ok I never understood the concept of no lynching. Either flip will give us info, HTM if flipped town looks extremely bad for FK and pretty much lynches them, a scum flip looks good for FK’s allignment. And if we lynch FK if he flip if scum locktowns HTM, and if town doesn’t really move the thread forward. Thats the only scenario where a no lynch is better. Plus its not showing up on VCs so far so I doubt thats an option.

That was quick again. Remember…

Just saying…

Wholeheartedly beleives HTM is town, further pushes my idea of HTM Priestess team.

TLDR: Priestess bleed seems fake to me. Their push on Possessed and reason to do so was super scummy. Says she is not quick to make reads yet scumreads people like Geyde super fast, while TRing HTM faster. And overall not liking her plays so far this game. Feel like a HTM Priestess team is super possible
/vote Priestess
oh wait cant.
/vote HTM
might as well get her partner out

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James is.