[SFoL] SFoL 49: Triple Threat: Hand of Byzantium - Canned

It’s extremely blatant that there is a tonal difference between NDFM and here.
Probably scum indicative since they seem way less solvey tone wise

Quote the post

Yes because that covers it 100%. She is either bleeding or not and of she was Geyde may or may not be on that team. All of those are possibilities

I did. On mobile, look at the arrow in the upper right of my post.

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Absolute Mathshit

What do you think of Icibalus and Firekitten’s insistence of evidence proving that they’re scum on Day 1? Do you think it’s logical?

Could someone else take a look at this to make sure I’m not crazy


Insistence of evidence proving that who is scum?
Who is they

??? Absolute Mathshit?

How is verifying I am listing all possible worlds absolute Mathshit?

Now math knowing Priestess loves to fake claim, do you think she would fake a bleed?

No. But I want to make sure we start from a common foundation before I expand on it. Do you agree the three worlds I listed are the only possible worlds?

So @Geyde you trying to say im scum cuz my appearance in this game and in the previous game is totally different in each other.
Well, that a good way to read!
But not me obv, my mood just been different between days, so that why my appearance also different from each other!

Yes I already said I do

Ok but explain the Geyde Marg thing already I asked you and you ignored it

I’m referring to possessed, I know that.
Not exactly sure what in particular.

I believe this is what it’s referring to.

Not counting on meta reads, sorry.

But to say, there is a difference, but this can be attributed to their first posts here.
Day 1 is full of memes.

@SweetyCake sorry to break it to you but this day aint fun and games no more

You have a whole cake. Full of possibilities. Yet you choose to cut one slice out that is Geyde_scum.exe and zoom in all the way. Then you convince yourself that Geyde is scum and push him. I haven’t read on Geyde, but what I thought you were doing was

You take out a slice of cake in the cake of possibilities. Then you say: This is the most delicious cake. Two possibilities. This half of this slice, and that half of this slice.
That’s laughable.

Okay, but why are you less interested in solving here?

Eh cant really explain
But i can feel like Geyde been possessing attention after being accusing for bleeding Priestess!
My guts say so!

I really just woke up!
Been still a little bit sleeping

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And makes me wanna reread you
