[SFoL] SFoL 49: Triple Threat: Hand of Byzantium - Canned

Yes I got bled, I have no reason to lie.

Can still some scummy play you know?
If you play those type of lying game long enough, you have no reason to trust anything!
Sorry for Caps

It’s really weird that people haven’t really mentioned my personal theory on that, which is that you’re really wolfy and so you were bled because whichever team bled you thinks you’re on the other team and wants an easy kill.

It is entirely possible, however, that you came up with the bleeding gambit, because I know you to have a tendency to make seemingly counterintuitive FPSes. If that’s the case, there are still things that make no sense - Why aren’t you insisting that you’re bleeding way more? Why isn’t anybody else spinning the bleed to make it seem like it indicates you’re a villager?

It’s almost like you’re bleeding.

Even someone claimed to heal you
You guys can also be both scum!
Just saying lads

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Cold take: Sweety is a villager because if they were a wolf they’d be told to “make reads” over and over again in wolfchat and to stop them from doing so they’d post some really shitty wolfread. Instead, they’re asking villagery questions and overconsidering possibilities, which clearly shows that they aren’t being coached at all.

Anyone playing this is gonna have a really bad hangover tomorrow.
There have been eight arbiter claims according to Shurian.

I’m Arbiter, my N0 is on Firekitten :^)

If fireslol is scum we have nothing to fear XD
Besides his scum buddies D:<

are you serious right now.

Also, ISO me and tell me what you think

I wonder how many sips is it.

I mean, it’s town’s decision to heal or to not heal me. If you would mislynch me anyways, it probably even would be better to let me bleed out >.> even if I doesn’t like that. But I would prefer not to die to a policy bleed

The only thing which I’m afraid of is, that evils are the leading force behind the “don’t heal Priestess’ bleed”

I have the game solved

I don’t even know who would even think of that in a rational order.
Excuse me, if bleed, what do? HEAL

Why didnt this healer heal you? (Say you die n3)
Uh… Because scum

Illogical, so you don’t need to worry about not getting healed.

Math blizer cake = unseen
Ici fire cup = cult

I got mislynched way too often to not think about this possibility :stuck_out_tongue:

Firekitten =/= Cult


I love a good reasoning.
Fireslol isn’t on my list…