[SFoL] SFoL 49: Triple Threat: Hand of Byzantium - Sign Ups Open

when I get home


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Also, ngl u act more like a dog than cat FK


: (

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blackmail blizer then

@Blizer if you don’t tell fk to change pfp I will tell everyone that your name in reverse is noob

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Initially, Morgana is arrogant, sarcastic and condescending. When in battle, he is also smug, frequently declaring “It’s almost scary how good I am!”

seems about right for my personality

Despite his cocky attitude, Morgana is also quite level-headed, having the sense to know when it’s best to retreat and fight another day, as well as often warning the others not to let their emotions get the better of them

seems about right

While often rude and snarky, Morgana does have a kind side; he makes it clear to the protagonist that looking after him will be a give-and-take deal and while he often makes fun of Ryuji, he draws the line at rubbing salt in the wound;

half right

image heres some


this one is much better


btw play Persona 5 kthxbye

once it comes to the switch, sure

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While he comes off as gung-ho and confident, even being described by the other Phantom Thieves as speaking in a “high and mighty” tone, eventually that sense of conviction starts to fade, as he failed to find anything about his past thus far and even starts doubting whether he’s human in the first place. Since Morgana doesn’t have anywhere else to go, he
this is also correct as I act confident but usually not

Im glad i did this.

what are you talking about that’s definitely not going to happen! Obviously, Nintendo would never make a deal with Atlus to put Joker in Smash and then not put the game he comes from on their flagship console! Shame on you, DatBird!

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:cry: maybe one day, at least we get P5S

Meme game is weak.

Ici lockwolf

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No objections in my part