[SFoL] SFoL 49: Triple Threat: Hand of Byzantium - Sign Ups Open


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SFoL 48 still going?


My wife has been nagging me that I’ve been too consumed with these forum games. What have you guys done to me?

That being said ill still be participating but I won’t be nearly as active.


I kinda realize that as well.

That is why I play 1 game at a time.

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I know but its tough though :frowning:

People keep opening interesting formats and I can’t miss out on it.

I realize that as well so I in to as many games as I can

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Really recommend only joining one game at a time in that case (for future stuffs).
Forum games eat up time extremely quickly, so I can see where they are coming from.

That’s like going to a chocolate shop and buying one small piece of chocolate though :worried:

Yeah, 1 game at a time max, maybe two for a short time if the times are crossing.

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What you are doing is shoving all the chocolate into your mouth and soon you will have a stomachs ache. For the sake of this metaphor I’m going to be a hypocrite. What you need to do is to savor the taste of the chocolate not devour it. The chocolate tastes super good when it’s savored but you don’t get that feeling when you devour them

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Also the fact that you are shoving all the chocolate into your mouth makes you rush eating it that you accidentally eat bites of other peoples chocolates because you aren’t playing the game at your best Ability by being able to only focus on it.

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This always happens


ikr right it’s super annoying

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That’s actually a pretty insightful metaphor :grin:


I specialize in creating metaphors to reference things


totally did this for so long, at one point i think I was in 3 games and signed up for two more, I had 0 free time. Now I restrict myself to one to at most two games at a time.

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I like being in 5 games at once

And hate being in 2 games at once, not enough time being consumed

I rather have 3 games going around the clock, where 2 is night, 1 is day, and they cycle till game ends, and I add games into that circle

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I gotta

Its Triple Threat

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