[SFoL] SFoL 49: Triple Threat: Hand of Byzantium - Sign Ups Open

isn’t triple threat without a triple threat


I dont think I’ll enjoy this

It’ll be so hard to make reads in a large game

Especially cuz I’m lazy and there will be posts everywhere…

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Try to do it as good as you can. It’s also an opportunity to learn.


Just keep trying :slight_smile: The more effort the more you learn

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:frowning: Will miss you

That fear of Becoming Emperor is real fam

Holy crap, I only just looked into this properly

Well, one good turn deserves another

/sign me up, Alice-sama




Here are some changes that will be implemented in the game proper.

  • To accomodate the higher number of players the Unseen cap will be raised to 4 and the Cult cap will be raised to 5. Both factions will start with 3 players each.
  • The Priestess and the Saint will not roll this match nor will the Pardoner or Blasphemer roll for the Random Unseen slot. Starting Ritualists cannot select the Priestess alts.
  • The Eccentric and the Bard gained some form of conversion protection in their abilities.
  • The Apostle has been reworked for this SFoL in order to remove all forms of dead interaction.
  • The Arbiter’s class card was updated, and here is the final version that will roll in the game.
The Arbiter

The Arbiter :crossed_swords: :shield:

Hand of Byzantium Special
Inside Knowledge (Passive) - Once the match starts you will have a n0 green check on a Hand of Byzantium player. At the start of each night, you will know if either faction converted a player.
Tenacity (Passive) - You cannot be occcupied nor redirected, and both of your night abilities can be used at the same time. However, at the same time all protective abilities will fail on you and any kill that targetted you cannot be occupied or redirected. This passive cannot be removed.
Entrust (Day) - Selects a player during the day, this cannot be your n0 green check. They will be immune to conversions for the remainder of the game and will share a neighborhood with you. - One use
Imperial Judgment (Night) - Kills a player if they are a member of the Unseen or the Cult, bypassing all forms of framing, healing, and protection. You will be notified of your target’s faction at the end of the night. - Infinite uses
Imperial Providence (Night) - Heal and prevent conversions on a chosen player, the conversion protection will last for the next night as well. - Infinite uses.
Defeat the Unseen or Cult and any neutrals that seek to do you harm.




Translation: We’re teaching you guys how to SHC this game


Alice I dare you to make The Arbiter also flip without logs :^)

They just give all info in neighborhood

Nah, I’ve been thinking of making the Arbiter a more advanced class in general where you really need to know how to create cover for yourself and how to FPS and fakeclaim a HoB class well this match.


rig the rolls and gib it to Ici for a laugh

FR though I really want to see Ici in TL mode

Yknow, when he hasn’t randed wolf

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Arbiter will die if they TL

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Correct. Since the Arbiter can’t be protected, then any Arbiter trying to TL will end up getting eviscerated by the next day.