[SFoL] SFoL 49: Triple Threat: Hand of Byzantium - Sign Ups Open

I have a word page full of gifs for that exact scenario

Also, it’s not like we have people who lack the common sense to not gladiate people d1 here, right guys?


We also have @Margaret

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Hate to bring it to you, but from past experiences, that didn’t go too well.

The way you say that seems like you lack any confidence in our ability to avoid it

We have way more than only Marg ^^

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This is a very real possibility we are discussing

If I get gladiator I gladiate day 1 deal?

Why are we discussing when it’ll clearly work in our favor as everyone here rolls scum

100% getting gladiated by Hja D1

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Fine, as long as no pointless reaction tests

Can I claim neut please ; P

Claim mastermind


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No. Claim Arbiter

Neuts can’t roll.
You can but don’t expect it to work

worried for this game.

The chaos…


Wasn’t that the point :eyes:

Sounds fun

It’s just a plan to out scum.
Only extremely high level players can understand this genious strategy