[SFoL] SFoL 49: Triple Threat: Hand of Byzantium - Sign Ups Open

What if they are dead

can’t let a godly player die early


If they got lynched

I can’t get lynched

noob (finished hjas’s sentence)

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Challenge Accepted

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lets just all vote firekitten d1

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@Icibalus let’s form the Lynch Hjaisk D1 Town Core Pregame

Remember a few months ago when people started unironically suggesting that we policly lynch me and Marl D1 becuase we’re too good at the game (lolicibalusbeinggoodatthegame)?

You can’t lynch at night

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There’s a D1 lynch

we should stop talking before everyone gangs up on us

nice edit noob

I did not say N1 anY evidence other wise is BS

No Proof No Service

what service

It’s a secret technique we’ve been developing for months. We’re also planning to unveil how to form an accurate villagecore D1 and how to OMGUS without being lynched.

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Tall order there ici