[SFoL] SFoL 51: Hand of Byzantium III - (3/16) - Completed

Apologies if this string makes no sense, I just wanted to see if I could find a thing and see if it made sense.

Lymphoma does trust you and that’s the worrying part, Math. You still refuse to acknowledge why you pushed me for faking a Suicide result while quoting Headhunter class and completely missing the part where if his target is day lynched, HE STILL COMMITS SUICIDE.

U think I just wanna survive?

I think you want to survive yes. But I picked the words in that post for a reason. I think you’re being smart dumb.

Yeah well if what I did worked I wouldnt get easy mislynched in other games LOL

I was pushing you to get your mental state seeing if you did. If you’re town you never thought about how a suicide would come up. Which makes it more than likely fake. However I await Alice updating the logs to see if my suspicions or right or your brain has just been on off all game.

You just need practice on signaling. Did you get mine? If not then :frowning:

Which rolecards i need to read

I mean at the end of the day, we all would want to survive.

Thread noted.

Assuming Cult converted N1, and two people have flipped CL, we should start looking for that N1 convert as it would be easier to grab associations from what we have.

I did though. I only read your half-quoted push and second guessed my own conclusion. You can’t shrug off your lack of reading comprehension as a reaction test…that’s a lame excuse.

If we’re lucky and Cult were prevented N3 convert then we would only need to focus the NK, and we’d prevent ourselves from mislynching based upon who we think the most likely N3 convert would be.

Obviously I’m not saying “discount N3 convert” but it’d be a lot easier to find the N1, I would say.

I pretty much called out your scummy push on me and all you have to say is, “Gee well I was testing your mental state”…like no bro. You’re a Veteran, you know better than to fall back on that as a save for a failed scumpush.

If I answered that I would out my theory. So I will say only one?

Do we think the governor was target of headhunter?

Nah. There is no lack of comprehension. You’re doing that as either an effort to save yourself or pride. Either way this resolves itself and we get nowhere in a repetitive circle.

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So you intentionally left the way a Suicide result would come up, got it. Nice push EK.

Again not a failed push. You didn’t think out your “results” and I demonstrated that. Let’s be productive rather than you just say the same thing over and over. Because that is just spam, and unlike you right now, I want to be productive.

Who’s been the least active of the lurker set?

From headhunter class; that’s a possibility, Lymphoma. Cheeki or HTM were HHs target basically.