They would have a “confirmed town”, in their ranks. Idk, if it takes a vig or lynch on me to prove it so be it, but I think he makes the most sense for Day 1 convert, especially since I know Im not the convert cant really prove it otherwise until tonight maybe. And a Andrej convert makes sense in the one world where someone read MGS and was like I want him on my team.
Andrej and Maxwell seem very friendly to each other from what I can tell from other games, they seemed to have played a bit of TOL together or something. I would suspect it more than the Andrej anyday. SInce he can trust him from playing togetehr on TOL. Plus this is like Aretes like third game on the forums, dont get me wrong they have been playing extremely well, but that doesnt mean they will pick the most optimal thing every time. eople make mistakees, they dont see everything that a player like you sees