[SFoL] SFoL 51: Hand of Byzantium III - (3/16) - Completed

I am very good at figuring out what scum will do. That’s how I win a majority of my scum games. And yes Maxwell would tell me when I am being dumb. He’s had no problem doing it in prior games.

In this case Maxwell adding his second buddy just doesn’t make sense. Call it a gut read if you want but I really just don’t think Maxwell is cult.

He added them both day 1

I would also rather keep Maxwell around so that way Posssessed is forced to update their logs so that way it acts as a check on Possessed.

Quite frankly you Blue or Dat are much more appealing for traditional scum converts or then Slankers

I don’t see a world in which Maxwell is converted and then Wazza busses Arete. That would possibly lose the network then out Maxwell.

The fact the network exists would mean if Maxwell is cult he would have to be the N3 convert not N1

Which again would be stupid as lost network.

Since the network updated with new logs from Possessed and myself that means Maxwell is confirmed town.

I agree, but you have seen my scum games my tonal gap, is gigantic. So unless Im the D1 convert, or you can convince me that Andrej is the convert over Maxwell, I think my vote stays. We are looking for the N1 convert also so unless Blue did some bussing I think hes cleared at least til the N3 convert

No it doesnt, the log stays when converted

litterally just ask Alice in ur card, I did earlier, which is why I was like oh then the Maxwell convert could make sense

If you’re the D1 convert nothing I say would convince you to change your vote. Lol you’d be in anyone but you or a buddy mode.

Doing so now

i dont what this means but surrrrrre

Except it like wouldn’t. Scum gain nothing if they have two scum in the network already, there would be no gain to converting Maxwell. They are two deep in the network.

If Maxwell added both D1 scum have no profit.
If Maxwell added Wazza after conversion that doesn’t make sense as Arete was already there. Either way no logical point.

I may not be able to explain why scum would do a slanker to your satisfaction but there is no way in hockey sticks a competent player like Arete converts Maxwell

They would have a “confirmed town”, in their ranks. Idk, if it takes a vig or lynch on me to prove it so be it, but I think he makes the most sense for Day 1 convert, especially since I know Im not the convert cant really prove it otherwise until tonight maybe. And a Andrej convert makes sense in the one world where someone read MGS and was like I want him on my team.

Andrej and Maxwell seem very friendly to each other from what I can tell from other games, they seemed to have played a bit of TOL together or something. I would suspect it more than the Andrej anyday. SInce he can trust him from playing togetehr on TOL. Plus this is like Aretes like third game on the forums, dont get me wrong they have been playing extremely well, but that doesnt mean they will pick the most optimal thing every time. eople make mistakees, they dont see everything that a player like you sees

But Andrej wouldn’t be scum at that point in your theory? Confused

Explain it slowly. What do you think Arete was thinking?

Alice got back to me network would stay.

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what how? I sad that he wouldnt be converted, not scum

Right but you said Andrej and Maxwell are friends. So Andrej would have to convert Maxwell making him D3 concert not D1.