[SFoL] SFoL 51: Hand of Byzantium III - (3/16) - Completed

Because being defensive for a mere unrelated post makes us wonder what you’re hiding.

Whos us?
scumteam confirmed?

But onto ur question just playing towards my wincon of making HOB win and if that means keeing a HOB slot alive by being defensive imma do it. Like Possessed said this is

Us, as in ALL OF US.

All of us scum? Because not everyone shares ur opinion on me, hopefully

All of us Illuminati

Hello everyone, I am here.

Hey have u read thread, or just about to start

Afraid not yet. I just woke up recently to do some work.

no problemo get to it when you can, cant wait to see what ya got

I just skimmed the thread and nothing yet pops out to me as overly towny or scummy.
Those who have more fluff in their postings are those I’m used to being more fluffy, whether they are town or scum. Perhaps I should do some ISO’s.

Magnus kind of annoys me with what’s here from him thus far, but then again, he usually does.

Though this time, it probably is more noticeable from him than normal.

Thus always to tyrants.

Something about this series of exchanges bothers me, but I can’t place my finger on it. It could be nothing. Just, the two-sided accusations where the accusation in question is just of being annoying, with implied negative connotations but no real support, doesn’t feel quite right.

I don’t know, maybe it’s nothing. I could be totally wrong here.

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My support is that most of his posts thus far have been meaningless or of little value. If I had to pick someone to scum read right now more than anyone else, it would be him, but like Isaac, I know him to spam fluff a lot, so not sure if this is enough to lock in that conclusion.

Okay, since this thread is moving kind of slowly, I went and Iso’d the people who spoke since I did my last readlist. I haven’t re-iso’d the people in my first one (I’ll try to do that before the end of the day; I sort of figuring doing Iso’s for every player every three hours would get old kind of fast), and many of these people, for obvious reasons, haven’t spoken very much, but I figure this is better than nothing.

Andrej: Has said two things, but if day 2 of FoL 22 has taught me anything, it’s that slanking (is this the right term?) from Andrej is NAI. I’d like to see some more activity from him, but I’m not going to take his inactivity as particularly indicative of anything, even if it continues – he definitely does it as town. I’m not actually sure if he’d be more active as scum.

Magnus: I appreciate how Magnus is attempting to actually give reads, which does make me see him more towny, but they feel kind of low-effort, if that makes sense. There’s some sort of weird alternating buddying and distancing thing going on with him and Datbird, where Magnus claims him as a townread but keeps pointing out scummy things Magnus is doing. It could be scum pushing on town for an easy mislynch with ‘I was the one townreading them’ as a defense to fall back on, but I could be totally wrong. Honestly, I’m just sort of confused about what is going on with Magnus. I’d appreciate it if someone else Iso’d them.

Magnus also claimed Butler, which could be a joke or could be a Druid soft, I’m not really sure.

Maxwell: We haven’t heard a lot from Maxwell. The push on Magnus was a bit weird at first, but he did back it up with fairly credible explanation when asked, so I’m inclined to see it as a basically townie move. It is the sort of play that would be fairly easy to fake, though. He offerered to do some Iso’s earlier and I’d appreciate if he did; I’m not particularly confident in my reads, and besides getting reads can be useful for determining associations.

Not Druid, but is occupy class.

Errrr… I guess I just try as any role to do the same thing, my own meta is attempting to produce similar scum games to my town ones because I think my town ones are alright already.

I typically don’t do reads too quickly even if pressured and sometimes I just get so frustrated that it looks scummy but it can happen as any faction.

Mediocrity, Repetition but once I get on to it, typically pretty decent reads even if they’re worded weirdly.

Could we like not soft D1?

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Would you rather me hardclaim arbiter something?