[SFoL] SFoL 51: Hand of Byzantium III - (3/16) - Completed

I get that, but there’s no possible way I was converted N1. Any night after is possible but not N1; 2 cult dead, Magnus couldn’t have thought to lie for me.

Oh ok haha

Right. Again your point?

Arete fail’s N1. No cooldown because failure so N2 converts someone.

Your continued insistence for N1 and has to be there is quite frankly BS.

Secondly let’s assume that you are right. Assume Maxwell can’t (or just doesn’t log in). The only thing that would do is prove him cult not CL.

You’re waaaaay too pushy on exactly Maxwell.

The simple fact that you believe im more likely CL than Maxwell is proof you are EK and Maxwell is CL.

My only worry is your attempt to lolcat us to occing Maxwell when he was N3 convert instead.


If you don’t get added to the network by the EoD, occupy @Maxwell.

It’s more likely based on play.

You even said so yourself in IC last night

Why didn’t Maxwell push anyone?

so that was N1 u protected Possessed, omfg im so fucking dumb, Geeyde said this day 2. AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH. Still that leaves POE for N1 convert to be me or Maxwell. 2 Has Possessed, Bluestorm(still would doubt this, but maybe), Me, Maxwell, and Lymph, and Magnus

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3000 iq strat: Don’t act Apostle until you have to.

Also stop saying things like “I am EK” and “I gotta trust Math” it’s stupid

In his case, he never had to; be was CL by day 4.

I gotta hope you’re on our side because if you’re not we lose. The bleed was likely communicated 2 nights ago but well see.

wtf am i so dumb, I kept pushing for this yesterday when I had the answr, just forgot about it, til u mentioned Geyde

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You’re assuming what you want then declaring it true

Overwhelming evidence.

Still @Maxwell im doubting myself at this point, but if you can add Magnus that would be great

If I’m wrong, oops…but I do think this is the situation. So what we need to do is occ the CL in order of conversions.

There is no evidence

You haven’t said any. You’re spouting a theory and declaring it such.

I have to go to work.

If Maxwell doesn’t add anyone then that would be evidence of cult. Otherwise you’re spouting theories.

Yes. And Maxwell I don’t think is it.

No scum would ever convert someone who could become CL and be fucked. That is stupid.

Like I said, ill eat my own shit if I’m wrong and he adds someone.