[SFoL] SFoL 51: Hand of Byzantium III - (3/16) - Completed

This is why you’re not allowed at my roblox birthday party


You play Roblox?

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Since this thread is moving pretty slowly:
-Who are your top two townreads right now, and why?
-Who are your top two scumreads right now, and why?

Stop lurking Htm.

I become a Shogun.
In Japan, shogun had more power than the emperor.

I’m not though :thinking:

Who are your top two townreads and your top two scumreads right now?

(That was directed at @Htm.)

Fair to be said, I have reason for that opening posts.

Top town:

And Magnus as #3 as I don’t feel like I really count as a townread.

Top scum:

Quite unsure on it yet, I plan to do some ISOs to find out.

I need to put some more thought into scumreads atp.
I’ll say I find Poss/Arete town for reasons I’ve already posted about which can be dug through in my ISO.

Call it a gut feeling, but I feel like Maxwell could be the scum weve been looking for. This opening sounds too on par with other scum openings I’ve seen.

Magnus is also pinging me as a neutral and not a druid or whatever he’s claiming. Perhaps neutral offensive?

I also feel redundant saying this since I say this every game I’m in with Fireslol, but he definitely needs to get into this thread before D1. If he doesn’t, he needs to be Arb checked.

Not Druid.

Insurgent/Stringoi? Leaning Stringoi…and I’m thinking you’re gonna bite me tonight lmao

Hey no claim fishing leave the mans soft alone

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Does it count as role fishing if I’m fishing for whether he’s a dirty neut? :upside_down_face:

It’s a gray area, but claim fishing is generally seen as bad

I don’t actually want his claim unless he is a neutral so we can get him checked and ignored. If he’s Necromancer or Insurgent wed have to worry since I believe Geyde is Righteous Emp.

Ooh why do you think Geyde is rightous

because he isnt righteous
lol jk

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