[SFoL] SFoL 51: Hand of Byzantium III - (3/16) - Completed

Cant he? I thought that was his role. I think it was sentinell

flail more

I prefer greatswords.

Or keyboards :slight_smile:

nah Bows though

Hot damn we got this!

@PokemonKidRyan Curfew on Blue.

@Magnus Occupy Lymphoma.

We up King or Lymphoma tomorrow.

/Vote Maxwell

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/vote Maxwell



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Bold that

Is that a true vote or a fake vote can’t tell?

I forgot a star, geez


My poop

fyi this is angleshooting. uninformed passerby out
I apologize, I realized afterwards but I didnt want to change or delete the message due to breaking more rules. I will try too stop myself from doing it again

Vote Count

Accused Voters Vote Numbers
Maxwell PokemonKidRyan, Magnus, Lymphoma, Possessed, DatBird 5/5
Lymphoma MathBlade :crown:, Maxwell 3/5
None BlueStorm 1

Maxwell has been lynched!

Maxwell was…

Maxwell's Flip

The Cult Leader :crossed_swords: :shield:

Cult Special
Train (Passive) - At any point before the start of the first night, you may message the GM and choose the Cult alts that the Cult class that spawned with you will receive, based on a non-unique class they can be converted from. If you do not choose the Cult alts, they will receive a random valid set.
Fanaticism (Passive) - You are immune to death at night until you successfully convert a player, where upon this passive is disabled. (Starting Cult Leader only)
Disguise (Day) - If the target player dies tonight, they will appear as a class of your choice. - 3 uses
Rupture (Day) - Cause a player to bleed. They will bleed and die in two nights if not healed. - 3 uses (shared)
Brainwash (Night) - Change target player into the Cult version of their class. If you have failed to convert a target twice already and your next conversion would fail it will instead target a random convertible player. - Infinite uses, 1 night cooldown
Blood of Mithras (Night) - Kill a Cult player and a non-Cult player. The first two uses of this will not kill the cult player. - Infinite uses
Your objective is to defeat the Hand of Byzantium and any neutrals that seek to do you harm.

We found the following logs on him.

Lord and Chief Librarian of Electromagnetism
Day 1 : Archive WazzaAzza and Archive AreteSlashStars.
Night 1 : Do Nothing.
Day 2 : Archive Possessed and Archive Datbird.
Night 2 : Plan to Shutdown.

If you see this, I died night 2. Please note that at the time of this posting, AreteSlashStars and WazzaAzza, and Possessed have all accepted the invitation into my log network, while Datbird has yet to accept. Currently, Arete, Waz, Possessed and I have all posted logs in the archive.

Arete, Waz, Possessed, or DatBird, if you’re seeing this, and have anything to say to me, please post a log in your PT with Alice and I will see it here in the Log Network, and if it needs any response, I will respond to it as soon as I can via an update to my own log. We are able to speak at night using this slow method. Please note that Alice will make a post in the Log Network whenever anyone updates one of their logs.

Night 6 begins now and will end in 24 hours. Please send in all night actions by then.

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The seventh day rises and three corpses are found.

MathBlade has died. He was…

MathBlade's Flip

The Devout Emperor :shield:

Cult Special
Dynastic Cycle (Passive) - If you die, there will be a vote held to crown the next Emperor.
Head of State (Passive) - Your vote for treason counts as two. You may use both your day abilities at once.
Audience (Day) - Select up to three players. They will be able to speak in an Imperial Chat with you tonight. - Infinite uses
Sword of Damocles (Day) - If nobody hits majority by the end of the day, then the player with the most votes will be executed. - One use
Sacrificial Offering (Night) - Prevents healing on a player for the rest of the match. - One use
Priest King (Night) - Converts a player to the Cult if there is one or less Cultist alive, if there are more then the charge of Priest King will not be used. Can only be used on the second night or after that you are crowned. - One use
Your objective is to defeat the Hand of Byzantium, and any neutrals that seek to do you harm.

We found the following logs on him.

Maxwell has my logs.

Good luck scum. May you survive the drains.

Magnus had died. He was…

Magnus' Flip

The Warden

Hand of Byzantium Offensive
Royal Blood (Passive) - Your votes for Emperor will count twice.
Isolate (Day) - Prevents your target from using Day Abilities. - 2 uses
Incarcerate (Night) - Occupies your target wiile at the same time preventing all visits to them. - Infinite uses
Divest and Removal (Night) - Removes all limited-use abilities charges from your target. - One use
Defeat the Unseen or Cult and any neutrals that seek to do you harm.

We found the following logs on him.

Magnus The Warden
Night One - Incarcerate Possessed
Night Two - Abstained
Night Three - Incarcerate Lymphoma

PokemonKidRyan has died. He was…

PokemonKidRyan's Flip

The Succubus :shield:

Neutral Killer
Dependency (Passive) - If you die during the night or you are executed, all drained players will also die with you the following night.
Transfer Life (Day) - Allows you to kill a drained player overnight, provided they are not healed or night immune, during the coming night and transfer their remaining life in turns to another drained player. This will also heal the latter player. If you transfers to yourself, then you will gain a charge of Love’s Malady instead. If the first player is healed then the ability will still function but without the first player dying. - Infinite uses
Infatuation (Day) - When this ability is activated, all drained players will have their votes locked to a target for the remainder of the day. - 2 uses
Vital Drain (Night) - Learns the target player’s class type and will drain them to death over the next two nights. While there is at least one player being drained then you will heal yourself if you are attacked or bleeding. If a drained player is healed then their timer until they are drained to death will not lower for the night but neither the healer nor the player will be notified. Does not count as an attack. - Infinite uses
Love’s Malady (Night) - Makes the user immune to occupation and redirection for the night and instantly kills a player while bypassing Night Immunity, healing, and does not count as visiting. - 0 uses

Your objective is to defeat the Hand of Byzantium, Unseen, Cult and any neutrals that dare stand in your way.

We found no logs on them.

With four players alive there are no elections for the next Emperor. The day will last for 48 hours or until majority is reached. Majority is 3.


Last nights action?


You around?

Meh Priest King. Gg cult