[SFoL] SFoL 51: Hand of Byzantium III - (3/16) - Completed

i think magnus

I want to do a mass ping but I don’t want to annoy people, but has everyone got this down?

I actually found this. It wasn’t Magnus, it was Waz.

I though it was Waz Arete and Magnus but maybe Im wrong

i never said i ‘instinctively knew lymph could not have been scum’
i kind of didn’t instantly assume they were actually unseen because its not exactly sustainable to claim d1 as unseen

Only way magnus was there is if he himself is the librarian.

Maybe arete is the librarian. They haven’t said either way.
Only one I know who isn’t who was invited there yesterday is Waz.

You didn’t, but I’m making a point about how you knew the claim was not coming from scum.
There wasn’t buildup for figuring it was a neut, the read just happened.

You’re taking what I have to say out of context to bolster your standing because you did overextend and ended up slipping the fact that you knew Lymph wasn’t Unseen.

What rules out the possibility of Cheeki LHF for you?
After reading this I believe I’ve developed a scum read for him, but thought I’d ask.
Anyone know how new he is?

im he btw


They are pretty newish

Not that new but newish

They played a NFoL before I believe


this is just plain incorrect

never once said that they are DEFINITELY neutral, i thought (at least in my experience) it’s not typical of BD or Unseen to say that kind of thing d1, so my best guess at the time was neutral.

stop framing it as if you’ve found the smoking gun so to speak, i made a suggestion not a affirmation/accusation

He is relatively new, but their behavior imo matches up perfectly for MM, which is why I ended up ruling out LHF.

Their wallreads section had so little to justify the confidence, and it’s trying super hard to look helpful.
This combined with how MM works in this format (can only replace themselves once), leads me to think they were acting purely to look helpful, as nothing they’ve presented actually makes a strong case.

No I’m not in any private chat.

The crux of why Cheeki says that they put Lymph as possible neut is according to them that it’s not typical for scum to hardclaim scum d1. They say that as it is unsustainable, but when that point inevitably doesn’t make sense for obvious reasons they revert to that it’s not typical for BD or Unseen to say that kind of thing d1.
If taking everything seriously, Cheeki just backpedaled here due to their stance not making sense. Flailing.

I want to focus on a different aspect that I haven’t touched on though that’s been nagging at me.

Lymphoma made themselves out to be an odd player during much of d1.
People of that caliber certainly could hardclaim scum as a joke, but it’s taken seriously here.
It’s important to note that while Lymphoma did add ‘discuss’ to the end of the post, that there was very little buildup for what they were trying to do.
I think taking it seriously here is a logical fallacy that Cheeki made when explaining themselves.
I believe it reinforces the point though, as they never considered the very real possibility of it being a joke when trying to seem helpful with their long readslist, instead jabbing at the fact that they had a possibility of being neut (fencesitting), while still knowing that it couldn’t have been scum joking around or being unpredictable to throw players off.

We have the entire rest of the day though, so I wouldn’t make decisions just yet

It’s Hand of Byzantium though.

Slip caught :eyes:

But it prolly is just a confusion/mistake tbh

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wait how did i backpedal?