[SFoL] SFoL 51: Hand of Byzantium III - (3/16) - Completed

Incidentally, I think Sulit is most likely HoB – I was a townread for a decent proportion of people yesterday, and I think scum would probably push one of the consensus scummier reads over me, or else tried to get Cheeki quickhammered, making this read likely legitimate.

@Alice first off fuck you for not even checking with me about replacing in.
Second of all
/vote Cheeki
Can someone give me a tl;dr. Just got home from rehearsal

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Tl;dr we’ve decided Cheeki is probably not the lynch for today, and we’re now talking about potentially pushing inactives.

I think Cheeki is still a good choice depending on how the inactives play out.
I won’t divulge further as I don’t want to taint anything.

I’ve done a cursory check between the two and haven’t gotten the same vibe.
I’ll explain further later though

Agree tbh

/vote Datbird
So, Datbird was just added to library chat (like a couple hours ago) and literally has no logs, which isn’t something that would really make sense for an HoB player to do.

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what kind of logs?
do you mean like actions or reads and notes?

uhh cuz my reads were pretty open, plus my role has had no actions so far. Sorry didnt realy check the log network til now didnt know what it was just kinda joined

Their logs are literally blank – no claim, no N1 action, no reads, nothing. That’s basically something I’ve only ever seen from scum, except maybe if someone forgets to submit their logs before dying N1 – and even then, it’s pretty rare.

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alright yeah i’ll agree with you that’s pretty sus, was just confused by what you meant at first

Wouldn’t they have to accept before you being able to see their lack of logs?
I don’t think they just go in without logs like an idiot

I mean, it’s pretty weird how they accepted without even bothering to write up fake logs, I’m just struggling to come up with any other explanation for why an HoB-aligned player wouldn’t have logs.

Yeah cuz I had no clue what it was and just joined. I literally just checked what it was cuz I was voted. DO i have to out my role to prove why I have no night actions.

@Htm u might wanna come here

I don’t have logs tbh so I wouldn’t be reading too much into things.

Maybe they wanted to be sure their logs wouldn’t contradict those of anyone else already in library chat (currently 5 of us, including the Librarian) and were hoping we wouldn’t notice?

If you want you can out your class

I have nothing to say

I mean, if everyone else thinks it’s fine, don’t openclaim yet, at this point half the court is going to be outed before the end of D2.

librarian here.
Yes, he had to accept an invitation to join the log network.
Once the invitation is accepted, his logs are instantly posted in the log network and are updated whenever he makes an update
The fact that they were not posted in the log network, means he never had any logs in his private role thread in the first place, period.

God fucking dammit stop claiming