[SFoL] SFoL 51: Hand of Byzantium III - (3/16) - Completed

From my prior experience, it was just an enhancing of what I previously did.
Nothing groundbreaking that totally changes up how to play the game.

Guess thats fair, I look forward to it one day, but I more look forward to neut hell again, that was so much fun rolling neut for like 3 games in a row.

I guess its time for Massive PING since Im sick of waiting for people to show up



I’m currently at work. I might end up posting while at work, because I’m kind of bad at not doing that, but in theory I’m supposed to be doing my actual job right now.

I’ll be off work in about 4.5 hours.

lol me 2, be responsible dont be me

Ah you touching me!

Anyway let’s get down to business to defeat the huns.

hell yeah!

…but why did you ping these daughters, when you should have pinged, for sons?

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(Which apparently I am daughter too, oh snap)

Frost ur making me laugh so much

I reckon we have saddest bunch you’ll ever meet these hours.

(gtg dinner)

Pfft, work-time IS the time to be wasting on forum games in my field. Except only…I’m almost off work for today :frowning:

I’m also looking forward to your responses. You impressed me previously :grin:

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how is ur day?

This looks pretty cool actually

My day is great, but don’t waste posts, not in the mood for that.

Okay I wont waste it then, is this in reference to your class? And anyone stick out to you for the two moments you were here