[SFoL] SFoL 51: Hand of Byzantium III - (3/16) - Completed

@Alice when u get a chance, can you put the Start of Days in OP please?

Then it probably is cult. Assuming Arete is scum then if something else flipped then Arete would be confirmed so we can probably take it as a cult game if Arete is town. And if Arete is town then it’s a town game. If Arete is Neut dunno the long term plan so gonna go with it’s a cult game

Only problem with

Is that not only a red check in a tracker found him visiting a different target then he said, he said Jake wasnt s/I by his check, when Jake claims to be s/I. And Wazza the fortune teller said he found arbiter last night and it wasnt Arete. That plus the PKR entrust that still hasnt been confirmed. And a supposed bleed on Arete. And he didnt check the one person that the arbiter was supposed to check last night, that he blames me for not lynching. Plus I was bled after the entrust but before PKR said he still wasnt in it.

Like theres a lot of things here that point to being a not arbiter arete. But that’s all if u meant he was confirmed cult. Which I dont think u did.

I am meaning confirmed cult.

If we assume Arete is Unseen scum. Then if a buddies dies then Arete would be a confirmed liar about game type. That would confirm him as scum. Sorry my words ran together.

So then whatever alignment it is, it is pretty likely a cult game for that reason.


Dat if you had a chat who would you invite?

Prob you since I trusted Geyde, Possessed, and any of Maxwell/Wazza/Bluestorm.

I’m mechanically confirmed librarian

Almost no one else is mechanically confirmed, if anyone

That’s where I tend to disagree. I wouldn’t use a chat for everyone who I trusted til end game. I would use it to sort people. Too much risk of deep wolf. I was thinking you PKR and Lymphona. Or maybe Maxwell to sort if he was converted. Confirmed mechanical people are generally high value converts.

I am not quite sure yet but I think a mix of trusted and sort people forces people to stay on toes.

Top 3 suspects for N1 convert, in order?

Well the thing is did Alice add u to the old ICs

Innocent Children? I am king.???

Oh you mean imperial chats. Derp

I haven’t read them but yes she has. Was gonna read overnight

Imperial chats

Cuz both PKR Arete and Lymph were there IC N1. Then Me PKR and Kai were there N2


So far just you being confirmed librarian. Haven’t read D1 or where you were confirmed. I just know from how the archive is.

I did invite arete day 1, but i’m not converted.

Please iso me before lobbying such accusations.

The cult chat is currently disabled. I shut it down last night.

And Kai said hed get reads but never did. PKR gave one that Geyde requested about me and HTMs interactions. And I talked a bit. I talked my role and wether I should pick up Eccentric or not and that was mostly it