[SFoL] SFoL 51: Hand of Byzantium III - (3/16) - Completed

And no it isn’t a requirement and that’s not what I said. I am confused by the lack of it. And want to figure out why.

well he has been questioning a lot on why we havent lynched him yet

Arete fool then?

is there HOB version of fool?

Nah. I think he believes he can convince others he’s Arbiter (or get Arbiter to out if he gains support).

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Lolcatting would confirm himself as scum; he doesn’t want a confirmation and wants to play it off like he’s legit.

He also did do a form of lolcat; he claimed PKR was ’ in his neighborhood’ to make us feel some sort of way.

Wazza also believes PKR is NK, but he really didn’t say why.

That seems unlikely assuming the mason claim is legit.

@Wazza Explain please.

Assuming Arete is scum then it’s likely that they got off a convert N1. So it wouldn’t be the mason claims as Iirc they are inconvertible.

This doesn’t make sense.

Did Arete say who his N0 supposedly was?


Me: Is HoB
Everyone: ‘Why isn’t Arete lolcatting???¿???’

Talk with me about your entrust chat with PKR?

Me: Did okay in FoL 22 but also made a lot of mistakes
Everyone: ‘clearly this means that if they’re less than perfect in any way, they’re evil’

I’m still waiting for him to confirm he’s been added.
I chose him because he was my N2 greencheck, meaning he couldn’t be converted unless he was a N2 convert after a missed N1, and because he wasn’t Blue or Wazza, who would obviously just lie.

What were all your checks? Help Lazy Math our I know I could check the archive but #lazy

so you have the chat and hes just not spoken?