[SFoL] SFoL 51: Hand of Byzantium III - (3/16) - Completed

I mean, I think its LIKELY an arbiter kill but if not I want it claimed so we know it wasn’t disguised.

they open claimed neut after getting called out. Hell yeah they were sus. Thank god someone swung at him


Yeah Wazza didn’t clarify the mechanics on his fake claim. Silly silly man.

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Plus his claim would have survived iirc from when i played it. SO i think the flip is real. But its weird he was bussing his CL

well i guess it was red check so i guess the bus makes sense

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Right? His fake claim pretty much condemned Arete. If he didn’t mess his mechanics hed be townread on Arete flip.


Who found Arete again? Its been awhile and I didn’t update my logs.



I updated my logs but idk if they were sent to the log network last night let me check

yeah still not there

Excellent thank you.

So I would love @Lymphoma, @Ami, @Andrej and @JakeTheWolfie to speak today. If Wazza flip is legit, one of the new CLs is likely in here.

Yesterday would be convert night too so we gotta piece together potential converts.

Ill be out most of the night so ill check in periodically. Try to keep everyone from quickhammering in my stead Dat; I trust you.


the fact wazza wasnt CL means that he was N1-N2 (depending on when they got it) convert, so we have CL and potentially D3 cnvert left. That and NK.

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I wouldn’t put it past Cult to run an AFK Cultie. Did anyone check Aretes ISO to see who he might have softed new CL?

uh not that I remember but I havent really ISOed them recently. Imma be rather busy for the rest of the day also, so Idk if im gonna have tiime to do it, but if @PokemonKidRyan or @BlueStorm can do it, Id appreciate it. I know its late over the seas so they might have already gotten off for night.

Fixed a brief mod-error at the SoD. Apologies for it.


So Wazza was the CL so its only the CL left on the cult side. YES

Wait no its still CL and N3 convert, Its just we wiped starting cult

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Unless some convert was failed, yes, N1 (now CL) and N3 converts are still alive.


Along with NK.