[SFoL] SFoL 51: Hand of Byzantium III - (3/16) - Completed

Who told Lymphoma to shoot me btw Math?

No one
They said they were
I asked about Wazza some trying to follow

@Maxwell what do you make of the network not updated?

None of you talked him down?

Who else was in it? Guarantee you have a mole there.

It was my mom’s birthday the day the chat was open. I was pretty sparse and didn’t have a good sense on much. I figured if you flipped town then they would be convert and scum then another point to start from. I was very hands off analyze

As I said earlier
Me Maxwell Lymphona pkr


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@Maxwell @PokemonKidRyan

Did you guys feel Lymphoma should have been vigging a towncore player instead of an inactive?

Or even vigging in general? Lymph was about to kill me.

Perhaps. I don’t know what to make of it. He was horrible in FoL 23 so ISO’ing him is bafflingly difficult. I will attempt sometime tomorrow, though.

Im more curious why you guys didn’t stop him.

A lot of us were busy for mass periods in the IC chat.

We honestly probably neglected to notice it properly.

That, or lymph never mentioned what he would be doing.

Math seemed to notice though. Not saying you guys are convertlocked, but I strongly believe Lymph is town and someone in IC chat knew enough to not stop them from vigging a town.

Well see once Lymphoma gets on.

You’re right, his first post was claiming duelist and claiming he locked his kill to you.
I neglected to notice that.

PKR is my leading suspect in the crew of Math, Maxwell, PKR and Lymphoma. Lymph did correctly guess Dat is death immune.

well im still alive, so.

I don’t get this.
Weren’t Waz and Arete directly against each other? And Waz was the one who accused me as well…

Waz was trying to get arete lynched for towncred, while Arete was trying to get quickhammered so she couldn’t have been occupied last night and have had the convert prevented.
Waz fucked up pretty badly though.
As to Waz’s attack on you, I believe that to be either a reaction test or a possibility of cult having information on roles that we don’t, leading him to possibly believe he has your slot solved as necessarily NK.

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