[SFoL] SFoL 51: Hand of Byzantium III - (3/16) - Completed

That’s good, but if this broken clock could read, he would realize this isn’t one of the 2 times.

If I’m NK, you can’t Vig me. If I’m N1 convert, Magnus has been lying this whole time. I have this Cult King DOA and all I’m asking from you Lymph is to just…fucking…read.

I’m gonna be honest with you @Lymphoma because I read you town and no way in hell any scum team converts you…but its not enjoyable playing with regular players who actively go out of their way as town to screw their team. You effectively cost BD the game in last FoL and you’ve somehow managed to random a vig kill class that will cost BD worse progress than getting yourself MLed in FoL.


So, it seems it’s Possessed v Math today as the main focus, with a sub-focus of Possessed v PKR.

Math being king, there are two possibilities: Devout or Righteous.
@MathBlade have you given a list of your actions? If not then would you mind providing them?

Poss did a logic leap by concluding Math as scum which is concerning me right now.
@Possessed why is Math Devout and not Righteous?

P sure math is town, who do you think is scum?

He questioned my Coroner claim: Fine.

He quoted a post from headhunter with the beginning part omitted, though. His whole basis for me being scum is the fact that Sulit couldnt have possibly suicided and i second guessed my original conclusion that Sulit achieved wincon.

His original post above, since formatting on mobile is a nightmare. He continues on to both vote and accuse me, but if hes quoting a classcard, hes obviously looked at the whole card right? Below will be attached the part he missed and THE WHOLE CARD. Am i gullible enough to believe Mathblade, the Veteran scumhunter, to not have read vital information in the classcard he quotes before he pushes someone as town?

Full card:

The Headhunter :shield:

Neutral Investigative
Hunter’s Will (Passive) - You are immune to death at night until the third night from non-Hand of Byzantium classes. You will be given a class for your target. The class will be aligned with the Hand of Byzantium and cannot be the Arbiter. If all players of that class are nightkilled or executed during the day, you will commit suicide.
Respite (Passive) - Upon fulfilling your win condition, you will leave the match.
Snipe (Day) - Kills a player in broad daylight. - One use
Camouflage (Day) - Prevents all players who are your target of being visited the coming night. - Three uses
Probing Mind (Night) - Learns your target’s class type and faction. - Infinite uses
Stalking the Prey (Night) - Learns who visited your target and who they visited. - Infinite uses
Use Snipe to kill a player whose class started out as your target.

(Apologies for lack of format; on mobile so i cant quote properly)

His responses didnt defend the fact that he didnt read the classcard before accusing me…they were excuses and attempts to shrug his fuck up off. Why would a GK push a coroner who had results of suicide from a player, say that the result wasnt possible and go into a tirade against said person in hopes nobody else read the beginning too?

Elementary, dear Watson: Hes EK who slipped a scumpush by not fully reading all details.

MathDino told me to shoot wazza… wtf poss

And I am mathblade not MathDino why the fuck you lying. Like Maxwell and PKR can confirm the events.

I will respond to your wall after work. Mobile keeps deleting my posts.

Well he invited you into IC. If that’s not shady itself idk what is. My beginning theory was that there was a mole in IC since nobody had the brains to stop you from vigging me N3 when I couldn’t have been the N1 convert if we are to believe Magnus. Nobody said anything.

I am helping you dude…

He invite€d me to sort me

I just get annoyed when someone misnames/ genders me. It’s a quirk I have.

He didn’t sort you though. You were about to KILL ME if Magnus didn’t play hero.

I already said yesterday that’s what I was going to use chat for.

I was memeing about the games we played at the beginning of 2018

Hard to sort people who don’t talk and then call me an idiot when I don’t agree and shut up. It’s arrogance or scum and for the life of me couldn’t tell which hence my push start of day on them

i wont do that again mb

I don’t know who you are other than you know me. Don’t do that please social name people remember is hard for me

sory if you felt that way… I will protect you this game

So he called you scum and an idiot D2, and now he’s covering your slip. I want Lymphoma hung today.

/Vote Lymphoma


We get EK tomorrow.