[SFoL] SFoL 51: Hand of Byzantium III - (3/16) - Completed

NK hopefully hits scum here to even the numbers a bit more. But I think we keep King, only due to cult most likely getting a convert off tonight, so we would rather cult be at 2 with ek then 3 without. One they have more voting power but are weaker.

he said he visited Maxwell which contradicts Blues results

Just saw that.

Funny how he outs that right after you catch his slip. He had all day to push that yesterday but he didn’t.

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yeah exactly. idk what u think scum or EK lynch today

Here’s the question: Did he invite Maxwell so he now KNOWS Maxwell is scumbuddy, or did he legitimately forget and he’s just reading Maxwell as scumbuddy?

If its the former, Maxwell would have told him his convert/convert target. Does this excuse Blue?

Vote Count

Accused Voters Vote Numbers
Maxwell Possessed, DatBird, Kai_5 3/6
Andrej Lymphoma 1/6
BlueStorm MathBlade :crown: 2/6
None PokemonKidRyan, Magnus, Andrej, BlueStorm, Maxwell 5

There are 30 hours until the EoD.

Let me see if I can see King visits.

isnt it twilight?

Uh, what

Nowhere near twilight

Also @MathBlade I can’t see king visits


Might as well just out any vital info you got.

Well what I wanna know is

Why @DatBird did nothing last night

What would that even indicate? An occupy?

i didnt occupy dat, so it aint me.

Who did you occupy?

lemme check. i think it might’ve been dat, now that i think about it, but lemme confirm.

Either DatBird did nothing, or someone occupied DatBird, or he’s a class that doesn’t show its visits.

…What the hell is this

/vote Magnus

This is just painfully terrible, as well as why would you ever RB the guy who claims a class that can give conversion immunity

I incarcerated PKR, not dat.

Magnus this is the second time you didn’t know who you occupied off the bat. What?