[SFoL] SFoL 51: Hand of Byzantium III - (3/16) - Completed

any major ideas or things discussed

Max was the N1 target?

Max/Math seemed to be interacting a lot in the chat together.
Lymph “locked their kill to poss” and claims it’s Kai/Me with Poss as scum.

What do you mean, Poss?

You said you know Kings targets from IC. Was it Maxwell D1?

Well you won, Max and Math. I am going out to see Once Upon a Time In Hollywood and won’t be around for EoD. I can’t count on the right person being lynched so I guess the wrong one gets it.

Highly suggest whoever is NK to thin cult numbers because town is done.

/Vote Andrej


/vote Andrej

Vote Count

Accused Voters Vote Numbers
Maxwell Kai_5 2/6
Andrej Lymphoma, MathBlade :crown:, Possessed, DatBird 5/6
Magnus BlueStorm 1/6
MathBlade Maxwell 1/6
None PokemonKidRyan, Magnus, Andrej 3

There are 5 hours and 5 minutes until the EoD.


Do you have anything to contribute to help us Magnus?

I wanted u to vote Maxwell but we need to get both PKR and Lymph and I doubt that’s happening

not really.

i’ll vote now if you like?

What was ur night action last night

Its very likely at least one of them is Cult. Maybe the madman ACTUALLY converted Lymphoma lmao

oh day passed?

N4 action

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think i said this?

Honestly with how Lymph has been I’d expect it

yeah i did. PKR