[SFoL] SFoL 51: Hand of Byzantium III - (3/16) - Completed

That and I poisoned the well. Lymphona gave me ammo by name calling and not giving me simple reads it was pretty easy to just tell the truth. Then you have an inherent bias you’re fighting against.

It’s why namecalling and personal attacks never work for town.


I may not have successfully mislynched Lymphona but the ideas are sometimes more than the success if they last longer

Did you believe him to be NK or town? I flipped back and forth all game with it. I knew he wasn’t converted but him being NK was always a high possibility.

Hey, it was theoretically possible that one of us would convert him just because it wasn’t the sort of thing you’d expect.

We did in fact try to kill him at some point, on the admittedly-flawed theory that if his abilities weren’t locked first he’d probably manage to hit a Cultist at some point.


I believed him NK. Didn’t think town would play like that. But if he was town I didn’t care


I suck cuz i didnt lie


I’m not saying that you suck.

I do think that given the sheer frequency of you getting misexe’d, and the general perception that your actions suggest a lack of effort, it may be worth reconsidering your playstyle and experimenting with something else.


It doesn’t hurt to reflect on what you could have done better to achieve your wincon. If you just say things like, " I suck cuz I didn’t lie", you are sarcastically trying to shrug off responsibility in this situation.

The MAIN issue I had wasn’t even your incorrect night actions; it was your overall lack of effort during day Chat…like you didn’t want to figure out who was scum. This is usually a telltale sign of BEING scum, and late game with 4 people left…you want to make ZERO DOUBT that you are town.

Im trying to be as nice and reflective as possible because I would love to see you improve, but right now a town Lymphoma in your game is like an extra convert/Evil Neutral…and it shouldn’t be like that. Id suggest talking to some of the veterans to see how they can help you improve your town game. I’m no expert at all, but I don’t want to have to struggle reading my actual town teammates.

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It doesn’t hurt sometimes to say nothing rather than saying something if you feel your information would look suspicious . In all honesty, if you said NOTHING last day and just voted Blue for lying about you visiting Magnus I wouldn’t have even considered you were NK. I already had you confirmed as Duelist with PKR dead and there was 1 vote left on Blue.

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stop being nice to him when he’s purposefully trolling the forums

I can link countless games on here he participated in and was much better then this.

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I’m reluctant to make the determination myself that it’s deliberate, that’s a question I’d rather leave for the mods.

Time to go hunting wabbits

I guess that makes sense. I’m looking for the games now, however the last time I saw him play was when I wasn’t very good at forum mafia. I thought a lot of players were fantastic at the game till I realize once I got considered “good” that a lot of people aren’t good at mafia. One of the people I thought was good was lymphoma so I’m hoping I can find those games to see if I was mistaken or not


One game I found

Going to find more



WE CAN LITERALLY POST THIS in the starting post of every game to give people a quick way to iso someone

This is actually cool