[SFoL] SFoL 51: Hand of Byzantium III - (3/16) - Completed

If I remember correctly from my class browsing, there are very few invest classes that can find scum mechanically N1.

Lucy, you got some splainin’ to do.

Oh nevermind…that was a reaction test. Carry on.

I mean, apparently this isn’t how they’re supposed to work, but.

I don’t know proper reaction tests so I don’t do them properly, but yeah…I don’t think that’s the proper way lmao

Reaction tests mainly serve to give reactions, unsurprisingly.
BUT, you need to have some idea on how they will respond before you do them.

Like anything, throwing one out willy nilly doesn’t do much.

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I am masons with PokemonKidRyan

Ok so I’m not THAT far off in my reaction tests.

This is literally the most anti-town thing you’ve ever said…and I kind of believe you.

So here’s what just happened since you claimed: You outted two people who were unconvertible to the court, who could have just as easily maneuvered in the shadows. Now all our resources have to be put on keeping you BOTH alive.

If you’re lying…you are scum, plain and simple. Town doesn’t pull a move like that, and if they did…I’d lynch them on principle.

I’m pretty sure cabalists are mechanically confirmable in this set-up, so if it’s a real claim it’s confirmable.

It is. Thing is…they are only unconvertible until one dies.

I think he had a non-being-scum reason to fake that but I’m not sure if I should out what it is, since that would kind of undermine it even more than just this post is doing.

Zero pressure to claim…hell I even had him townread. It doesn’t jeapordize just himself and PKR, it jeopardizes us all.

i just don’t understand why he’d rando out, was PKR telling him to in cabal chat? or what is it?

He LITERALLY has a mechanic to confirm himself to any doubter.

“I’m masons with PKR”


I’m gonna entertain another possibility: What if he is town but not Cabalist?

PKR will get on here, say that he’s not Cabalist with Lymphoma…Lymphoma gets mislynched.


He just gets one of himself or PKR nightkilled. What would that solve?

The mechanic is to send a message right? If so send it to me Possessed or someone online right now for confirmation

I’m not Cabalist…

Wait read that wrong; thought you said “send it to me, Possessed”.

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Okay, I don’t want to explain the play, since explaining the play is going to make it not work, but since it looks like we’re about to waste several hours on a bad play:

Lymphoma and PKR were both in Imperial Nightchat last night. I’m assuming that Lymphoma now townreads PKR enough based on that to ‘confirm’ them for the moment, and was attempting with that play to be sure we didn’t mislynch one of the two of them.

I still think he might be a scum neut, but.