[SFoL] SFoL 51: Hand of Byzantium III - (3/16) - Completed

Best part is we got that it’s a cult game without Arb outting :slight_smile:

please say the faction name right.
It’s called the Hand of Byzantum, or HoB for short.
Not the Amber Dragon, and not the Gold Dragon.

I don’t think Blue knew I was Arbiter until I claimed it. It’s possible they found me convert immune and figured I was the NK, or something, but that doesn’t really work with death patterns; more likely they just wanted to make a suicide play on an unlynchable townie and got lucky. Then when I outed they knew that if they got a mislynch off on me they’d have majority with Geyde.


Blue didn’t, but he knew your N2 was BS.

Yes what have i been talking for 7 hours

We shouldn’t make nightplans on the assumption that the NK kills a Cultist and they try to convert the NK.


One I get it, you think this is true but no one is unlynchable. U tell me we have a red check on Possessed even though he is top town rn imo, I’d lynch him. Like c’mon mate we didnt TR u that much

Dat could make a good check for sure.

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You clearly said that D2’s lynch was messed with.

Yet you are claiming that your flip is going to get messed with? Please, explain your claims immediately!

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I never said we had a redcheck on Possessed? Possessed is obvious HoB.

D2’s lynch was messed with in as much as it was a mislynch on a townie. I don’t think, and have never claimed, that there were mechanical alterations to the flip.

Well other than me wanna give some other reads. Cause honestly I have some associations building with our arbiter pal imo. You both quickly jumped on me. Now u could just be a duelist who still doesnt understand I was death immune. But it’s always an option to keep in mind that u might be evil with the unseen claim thing and the neighbor thing yesterday

Good catch. We might actually be down 2 cult after this. Then again,Arete pushed Cheeki in Imperial chat. I don’t think that’s a good move.

You didnt read. I’m saying if one came out we lunch him. A red checks a red check

Point to where I said that D2’s flip was altered.

If your flip is messed with, then they either converted the coroner or got a starting social class.


is true and

becomes true, then that means that a coroner was converted and the starting cult was social, which is very very very unlikely.

Context. It’s important.

Ill afk until dat is lynched