[SFoL] SFoL 51: Hand of Byzantium III - (3/16) - Completed

Not trying to out Wazzas class here, but I’m just REALLY confused.

Like what does a post restiction have to do with Wazzas interesting class? thats what m confused on

The sequence of yours and his exchanges, Dat. What did you mean by “Is this in reference to your class?”

I think I may get what Wazza means but I could be mistaken about that.

Its either about post restrictions or him having a good day, both options which have me kinda like ‘dafuq?’

Explain it please.

I think you’re just looking at it’s face value.

Cause look at what

is in reply to

Thats why I asked

Wazza simply didn’t want posts wasted because it means a lot more to catch up on. Cannot say I disagree there with him.

So then its a filler question from you, Dat. If you are asking if he is referencing his class as “this is pretty cool actually”, obviously it is.

I cant make sure of something Im unsure about… like cmon

That’s sorta true, yes. Though I think I know what classes Wazza would find cool. Doubt he’d say it as NK or NE-ish stuff.

Why else would he say “This looks pretty cool”? Obviously he means his classcard.

Ok cool, like sorry I didnt pick up on it instantly, I have other shit to worry about. Dont know what ya want me to say. Why did u mention the roles not having a post restriction?

Because I thought your question was in reference to this

Which to me, translated to: Are you a class that relies on post counts? So I searched through the classes and obviously didn’t find them. Asking THAT is a lot less filler-y because there could have been a class who doesn’t want wasted posts.

So it was an all big misunderstanding like lets move on since this was all pretty pointless.

One minute, let me explain this.

That post was me telling Dat not to waste posts on random shit that isn’t important.

I get that now, Wazza. So basically two people so far are calling Dat out on posting filler.

Ill move on, but I’m not gonna just disregard that.

I posted How is ur day? Wow Im sorry for taking up 1 extra post to see how someone I enjoy is doing. Like whatever, at this point. Cool I post fluff almost everygame, a lot of people do. Is it the right thing to do, guess not since it takes up two seconds to read it.