[SFoL] SFoL 53: Looming Threat - Completed

Thanks for telling us that EVILZ have a possibility to disguise day executes.

People apparently don’t like me not caring about their roles.

How I die doesn’t matter, it’ll be the same flip.

Cool cool let’s vig Italy

How are you sure that the EVILZ wouldn’t change your flip?

To assume that, you have to assume i’m sane.

Okay. Guys, Italy is something like a mastermind. He can choose freely as which class he wants to flip. He’s probably a converting class.

why would mastermind be able to choose its flip

The difference between us, I don’t fear everything.

K I got almost everyone now. Added a bit of reasoning as well but I usually go more in depth at night and post in the mornings

  1. Magnus
  2. Frostwolf103
  3. KyoDaz — town lean / isn’t sheeping, minmelds with me a lot
  4. Italy — town lean / blatantly not in his scum meta, has softed already
  5. WazzaAzza — null / posts have been NAI imo
  6. Ozzkozz — null (neut?) / different entrance, either neut or I can’t read him yet
  7. Luxy [Bled D1] — scum lean / not as solvey as I would expect him to be, using ad hominem
  8. Jakethewolfie — town lean / in his town meta
  9. Cheeki
  10. Jgoesgaming — slight scum / contributions look bad
  11. Sulit
  12. Solic — null / I don’t know how to take his “make me king” “protect me” plays
  13. H_Hja — town lean / in her town meta
  14. Maxwell — null (evil neut?) / has been saying suspicious things, “idgaf” mindset
  15. Priestess — Butler — town lean / Stubborn and pure
  16. SirDerpsAlot — slight town / lazy town, posts aren’t as deliberate as I would expect them to be if he were scum
  17. Marshal — slight scum / Feels more like the Marshal from LOTRFM
  18. Arete — scum lean / asking a lot of questions without providing much substance of their own, SRing Priestess despite how they should know her meta and be protecting her (Arete admitted to me that they would have defended me in LOTRFM had they been town)
  19. Soulshade55er — alight town / actually posted D1, I liked the beginning posts
  20. Shurian — slight town
  21. Teleology — Me
  22. PoisonedSquid
  23. PokemonKidRyan — slight town — Hunter or “Club” Leader / softed a bleed on PKR D1
  24. Centuries — town lean / acts the same as the town game I played with him. Goes aggro on people to get reads from them.
  25. Geyde — null / nothing pings me in particular and he’s a vet who I have only played one other game with (my first game) so I wouldn’t know how to read him

he softed bleed on himself?

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Oops I meant Luxy

My mind gets a little cloudy heh

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Claimvig, prince, day, in the end, it’s gonna be blue letters; “Court Wizard” and if you really feel that suspicious, i’m sure I can prove you wrong.


how do I delete someone elses post

What is my BD meta???
People always say this and never explain (except tele kinda)
Its like they want to meta read me but cant so they throw this useless line in


Like insulting people instead of using logic. Insulting PKR for bleeding you to dismiss him I guess

But im not even pushing him like what