[SFoL] SFoL 53: Looming Threat - Completed

Ok bye I’m going to go do soccer things

Just trust me on v Priestess
It’s shit but there’s good in the slot

What are some games that Priestess was scum in?

Sitting in the sidelines while crazy stuff is going down is generally indicative that you are content with what is happening in thread at the time

I feel like Arete v Priestess has to be TVS tbh I am just reconsidering which one now

I feel like Priestess felt forced to make reads and then just spewed out anything she could.

I’ve seen townies do it before.

EFoL 3 (She was EK there, the like-pocketing read is largely coming from there – she was reading me as definitely not Cult, and compare how many of my posts she liked early game there vs. FoL 22).

SFoL … 47? … Abyss, she got BD lynched by buddying them and making people scumread them by associations.

FoL 20, she was Mastermind and tried (and failed) to get herself executed for mechanical reasons.

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That could be the case
I just see thread isolating their slot and firing at it, a lot.

At least one of Marshal / Luxy is town

One of Arete / Priestess is scum

These are my ideas atm

She even admitted she was flailing

But her reaction doesn’t feel like flailing scum it feels like exasperated town almost.

‘Anything to get people off me’ almost


Why is nobody pointing out the fact I’m doing very little despite being here
Why is everybody content with me being dumb town
Why hasn’t anyone said anything about how my push on soul was bad
I don’t get it

SFoL 48 is the main game I compare their play to here
They haven’t been fighting as hard as they did back there, but the stance they took here (that they didn’t know how to play town) kinda justifies it

I put you in the sort later bucket personally

Because I didn’t think that was a read at all… I thought it was criticism toward him as a player

Priestess is at most Sellsword. And even then, she’d be harming her faction for possibly baiting a claimvig.
I don’t see Priestess being a harmful neutral here.

Why can’t she be MLP: FIM?

I’m Rainbowdash :upside_down_face:

Priestess cannot be MLP:FiM because of reasons people have already explained that I can’t be bothered to unless you really want me to.

Luxy started by quickly shading Priestess, being moreso dismissive and almost insultive of their strategy rather than question it which is very much unlike them usually.

Complained about memes, then memes, then complained again and used something that was a potential ‘jokepost’ for a dislike but it was in a way which… everyone was thinking what Luxy said but it was the weakest towncred attempt. After this, Luxy went back to joking.

It just felt like a lot of back and forth between styles as if Luxy did not know what to do in this scenario perhaps due to the claimvig or the fact that the ratio of scum/non-scum is not what they desired.

Out of Luxy/Arete/Hja (I had only said Luxy/Arete at the time) I was sure there was one scum and Luxy’s style, tone in posts just kept pinging me. I believe Luxy’s actions, flipflopping and lacklustre posts to be different from their towngames thus far and therefore a scum AI.

I believe Luxy may have been attempting to slowly pocket Hja and/or Arete earlier on while throw shade on those who were easy to do so in order to preserve their team (Me, Priestess and Teleo). Team-preservation by forming associations early on in popular opinions with a bit of sheeping.