[SFoL] SFoL 53: Looming Threat - Completed

I still see a lvl 1 player that you are talking about.

So youā€™re fine with an Archer losing their kill ability just to kill a LHF town? Yeah that makes me wanna lynch you tomorrow.

Note: I dont know everyoneā€™s meta

I threw myself into a claimvig so you wouldnā€™t waste time on a mislynch. Are you not satisfied?

Not you. Derps.

Arete is already someone I want hung out to dry.
Weā€™re back in medieval times. No tumbledryers here.

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Honestly woth the mindset that Italy has, I think it would be worth it even if they were town here.

Iā€™m on record in conversations you have access to as saying that taking someone out of the PoE can often be worth it if it means we donā€™t mislynch them.

I remember seeing you make a case against Arete, pls point me to your post that does so

Hang, draw, decapitate, quarter, burn, tie to rocks and throw into the ocean.

Arete, youā€™re going on power wash.
Washing machines live longer with calgon, and while scum isnā€™t stuck inside them. This washing machine is going to have a breakdown.


Iā€™m honestly not liking tele here

If Arete flips town Iā€™m almost certain Tele is scum

Because tele disagrees with what you think. A true travesty!


I may not like Luxy, but he made his points clear.

And while I agree, and move him through my list, it doesnā€™t mean

You did this to me last time itā€™s LOTRFM Deja vu all over again and I did not wanna go back there

Summarise this.
15 words or less.

I disagree

Just going to say, the last time derps started pushing me, he was doing it because his faction leader did it earlier.

Wtf does that have to do with now