[SFoL] SFoL 53: Looming Threat - Completed

“They pushes me as scum before, lock scum”

So who is his faction leader?

Soul’s tone has changed drastically since early d1
He’s more calm and making actual content on others

I think it’s due to him not being pushed.
Him being crabby when pushed is consistently his response regardless of game

Ergo only read him on non-AtE

He doesn’t actually make a point to say why it’s scummy, not really building on it. He goes from being interested to thinking it’s scummy with no visible in between
Food for thought

Look back at who he might’ve joined a bandwagon onto.

Actually disagree with this, Tele’s mindset here is newbvillager-y (‘townies dying is bad’) and even though a bunch of her reads are wrong she frequently has wrong reads as town.

People like priestess, possibly.

I don’t like her defense on Italy

Tele is a she.
Got it.

That’s your job, since you made the accusation.

He joined a bandwagon to finish what his CL started in CoC.

Also failed :lul:

What about it don’t you like?

I don’t like that you dismiss Tele’s opinions based upon ‘shes a noobtown.’

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The part where tele is defending Italy.


Soul’s not under pressure to the point where he has to BS like he did in CoC

I can’t see how someone could see Italy as town here

Tele pls

I will explain outside of the parameters given.

In LOTRFM I told Derps that I was town reading him after he was bled D1. I then was trying to jebait a reaction from him and I said not to heal him. Then he freaked out and called me scum because he thought I was faking the reaction test and that I legitimately intended for healers to listen to me (when I was universally scum read btw) which is absurd. Essentially I was comparing the two situations because Derps always scum reads me for not doing things that he likes. Oddly enough he was town that game so this actually makes me town read him in this game but yeah

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Where did my other quote go mobile wtf

Coming from an inside perspective of that game Soul made no sense, so maybe my perspective is bad on that point.

But he feels nothing like CoC here, to me.