[SFoL] SFoL 53: Looming Threat - Completed

We CANNOT HH you so you heal yourself.
Drunk has still the OLD HH, which occupies, not redirects you to yourself.

Go hunting if you want to know, Iā€™m not going to say it in thread

Otherwise cease and desist. Ignorance is bliss.





Do you honestly think this was helpful for town?

Iā€™d guess, if anyone, scum bled Wazza and would bleed him to put suspicion off themselves by making comments that would make town members believe that they had no association with bleeding him. Comments such as ā€œwho would bleed Wazza?ā€ Are suspicious in this regard. It seems like something a scum would say to clear themselves. That is the only motivation I can see from this bleed.

I disagree. I think a scum bled him. Maybe this was the incentive. Wazza being bled so a scum could swoop in and say ā€œhmm I wonder if town or scum bled Wazza, maybe we should just let him bleed outā€ even though we already have a Hunter claim and 2 bleeding people.

Just want to point out that while some town members were confused about whether Wazza was actually phys, Arete knew that Wazza wasnā€™t claiming Phys. If scum thought he was claiming phys they would know he was bleed immune and wouldnā€™t try to bleed him, so the scum would have to know Wazza was fake claiming phys :thinking:

I donā€™t like this post from Priestess but I canā€™t tell if sheā€™s on a scum team with Arete or sheā€™s just town

Oh thanks (: [quote=ā€œArete, post:3849, topic:78350ā€]
Luxy is town

You seem to be very certain Luxy is town and have been repeating it frequently throughout the thread.

Welp Kyo is blatantly not scum lmao (already knew that though)


Hey, CW claim, Wazza currently claims heā€™s going to render medical assistance onto Luxy, can you make sure that actually happens?

I gave my townreads, and reasons why I think they are town.

How can that not be helpful?

listen if I was Physician, I WOULD BE IMMUNE TO BLEED ANYWAY, clearly that should be a sign that I AM NOT PHYSICIAN.
The only other healer is a healer that can HEAL THEMSELF ANYWAY.

Can we skip into night
Iā€™m getting bored

Youā€™re claiming Chronomancer
Well that wasnā€™t too hard to say.

So was your bleeding now a lie, or is your healer claim a lie :thinking: :thinking: :thinking:

You are such a boomer

Thanks for handing the information to any lazy scum

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And before anyone says it overcoordinating night actions only brings pain and misery
So donā€™t

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If scum is lazy weā€™ve won either way.
It doesnā€™t really matter.

Youā€™ve just outed yourself as scum.

Because it doesnā€™t tell us anything. Why should we care about who youā€™re town reading? Scum care because they would like to convert oh wait convert isnā€™t a thing lol. I guess thatā€™s fair then tbh. Iā€™d still like to see some scum reads from you though :confused:

However we have potential town that canā€™t even find the Justiciar message.
Thatā€™s problematic.

You scumread me, yet you havenā€™t read any of my posts.
If you had, you wouldā€™ve known I have already outed that I lied about my Physician claim.

Townreads are good for solidying the PoE, in a setup this large, PoE is infinitely stronger than scumreading IMO.

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The reasons that i gave for why i thought my townreads were townreads are the real helpful part of that.