[SFoL] SFoL 53: Looming Threat - Completed

information from alice

and what does that even mean?

you know what I mean

Itā€™s a game that contains an Arete, therefore itā€™s time for a wallpost of reads just under the wire.
Hja - locktown. Easy meta-read is easy.

Luxy - basically locktown at this point after contributions throughout the day.

Soul - Townread, he opened the game by drawing a ton of negative attention to himself whereas scum!Soul basically just tries to go under the radar in the early game.

Geyde - townread, his thought process and level of contribution seem towny and heā€™s made a couple of specific posts that I donā€™t think he would make as scum (yes, I have reasons not to want to highlight which posts they are). Currently thinking that a couple of specific things that could happen overnight and at SoD2 tomorrow could fairly conclusively determine his alignment but for obvious reasons Iā€™m not going to say what they are.

Sulit - townlean, compared to the Paint game sheā€™s far less hedgy/uncertain with her reads. See my earlier posts on her.

Shurian - Townlean, seems generally contributive and seems willing to explore various aspects of the game. Liking what Iā€™ve seen of her progression so far.

Italy - townlean. His ā€˜I only care about the opinion of people with ~important~ classesā€™ attitude is dumb but itā€™s also townie, scum typically cares about how everyone views them rather than just one person. The immediate hard-claiming in response to mild pressure attitude is also one that normally comes from town even though claiming is anti-town in this set-up HINT HINT EVERYONE WHO KEEPS DOING IT.

Kyo - townlean. Heā€™s acting very relaxed in the thread, in a way thatā€™s hard to fake as scum, while also being contributive (i.e. not just fluffposting for no reason).

Derps - townlean. not doing the same tryharding he did in CoC but still being productive; inclined to think heā€™s town over that. I hate how this read basically punishes him the more effort he puts in but Such Is Life.

Centuries - canā€™t actually explain this one particularly well but Iā€™m gutreading this as town.

Jake - townlean. Another person in the ā€˜I hate his meta but heā€™s unfortunately townā€™ bucket.

Marshal - Slight townlean. I hate how many of his posts are PR fishing and/or off-topic memes but I donā€™t think scum!Marshal would want to draw negative attention like that.

Maxwell - sliiiiight townlean, his early defensiveness was weird but his later contributions are more confident than I usually see from scum!Maxwell. Would like to hear more from him tomorrow as heā€™s been very quiet thus far.

Cheeki, Squid, Frost.

Ozz - scumlean. None of his early analysis arrives at any actual conclusions, all of it is ā€˜I think such-and-such is interestingā€™ and hedging, or else conclusions that arenā€™t alignment-related. In his town games heā€™s been more aggressive and confident.

Tele - scumlean. Was townreading her early for her aggressiveness and confidence but on reflection I think she could fake that. Sheā€™s contradicted herself several times and her outlook on the game is extremely narrow, sheā€™s more-or-less ignoring everyone but a couple specific players except when other people do things that are relevant to those players.

Magnus - scumlean. Scumreading Magnus for acting scummy is always a little questionable, since heā€™s scummy and anti-town as any alignment, but he has a distinct meta as town that he isnā€™t doing this game.

PKR - scumread, his opener was both Not Great and consistent with his scum meta. Initially thought bleeding obvtown Luxy and then claiming that he had done so was too obviously bad of a play for him to be scum here but apparently heā€™s done very nearly exactly that as scum before, so Iā€™m not clearing him based on that.

Solic - scumread. Heā€™s not really interacting with anyone in the thread and Iā€™m pretty sure he slipped as scum and then tried to backpedal.

Jgoes - scumread, I explained this one earlier but basically heā€™s being super hedgy and underconfident on nearly all his posts that are reads, and many of his non-read posts have the feel of someone trying to look contributive, but they arenā€™t really contributing anything.

Iā€™m confused/weird exceptions

Priestess - really confused about Priestessā€™s slot right now. I donā€™t think sheā€™s ever W/W with Solic here so a Solic scum flip would basically clear her; if he turns out to be town sheā€™s back in my PoE. Sheā€™s done a couple specific things that are in her scum meta (buddying up with townies in a way that creates associations that would make said townies look scummy if she flips W being the big one). Pretty much ignoring the scumclaiming and OMGUSing as those are NAI for her.

Wazza - Basically hasnā€™t existed in the thread, and literally forgot about one of the abilities of his class. Would prefer that we let him self-resolve via the bleed except that that doesnā€™t work with his claim; thanks to the DR changes he can actually semi-confirm in a couple nights by transferring to someone in the PoE, which even if scum has extra killpower would still require them to eliminate PoE, which is a net gain for us. Has landed in this category due to being slightly self-resolving.


Thinking that due to the number of people in my scumreads Iā€™m wrong on at least a couple of them; Tele is the most likely here because Iā€™m worried about bias and also pre-flips with Solic. Would personally prefer to resolve Solicā€™s spot with a bounty tomorrow. If he flips town Iā€™d take another look at Priestess. Jgoes is also a safe lynch in my opinion as Iā€™m nearly confident that he flips scum here.

I agree with almost all of this and its making me worried

have you considered the possibility that Iā€™m town

Tele and PKRā€™s positions stick out like a sore thumb though

Remind me why youā€™re townreading PKR?

Because heā€™s the village idiot

But why village idiot and not scum-faking-VI?

Because he did this in LoTRFM as well

hey luxy, i just want to say that you might not be visited by me.

Iā€¦ i donā€™t know how to say this.
Things will be cleared up tommorow.

its legit really important though

yeah, i realise this.

But i might not be able to make it happen.
I will explain tommorow.

as long as i am alive tommorow, everything will work out.
sso lets hope that I am

do your best then

trust me, thatā€™s what ive been doing.

But just gonna say it.

I might not even exist. I donā€™t know.

wallpost = locktown


Everything will work out as long as i donā€™t die tonight.

General reminder to everyone to keep logs. You donā€™t strictly have to put a readlist in, though I checked and Alice isnā€™t using the character limit, but particularly depending on your class it can be really important to know what your night action was, and it takes thirty seconds to write Arete - [class] N1 - [action].

He did plays that were a bad idea in LotR FM but it doesnā€™t feel the same to me. I was thinking similarly to you until Geyde linked me the FE game (apparently in that one he dayvigged a consensus townread as scum, then claimed having done so).