[SFoL] SFoL 53: Looming Threat - Completed

We don’t know there is one.
We know there IS some kind of anti-claim mechanic, but thus far, multiple people have claimed and no one has been claimvigged, so it may be some alternative form of anti-claim mechanic that we are currently unaware of.

Increasing monkey noises.

Claimvig is a stupid FM role, which exists for the sole reason to prevent people from claiming, but people will claim regardless, so claimvig is completely pointless

Right I saw that but I wasn’t really sure what that meant. It obviously doesn’t mean you can’t claim as Arete did today?

Except there might be bleed kills later.

I might be suspicious to one who claimed occupied earlier, groupscum killer being investigative is occupied isn’t far off

Not really.
If everyone claims, a claimvig can obliterate town.

Sup, Shuri? What’s the problem?

What does this mean?
Please go and read, I’ll link that one big post with giant letters.

So it works like bounty in a way?

Most of the claimvigs in recent forum matches on this site have been dayvigs, and I’m pretty sure from a skim of his Iso that Maxwell is town here.

Excited Noises on TMI cuz just finished reading TMI articles and I’m now an “expert”

Damn those vaccinations

If it was a dayvig… How the hell was I not killed?

Ooooo that makes sense now. The claimvig needs a trigger to activate.

Not really, because scum aren’t going to claimvig scumread people unless you’re me in LotR FM . If the claimvig is actually using their abilities to help town, they’re doing something wrong.

I think Hja is prime example pretty much.

If it’s not a dayvig, then where does your Maxwell-has-TMI read come from?


Fairly simple.
Maxwell’s TMI is to cover the fact it’s not a dayvig but a night one

The night CV chose not to shoot me… rightly so too annoyingly

Y u not ded

Is this game bastard?