[SFoL] SFoL 53: Looming Threat - Completed

He is AtEing now.

As any frustrated townie will do.
And a frustrated town will not give any valuable information.

I’m getting frustrated as well, and I should probably shut up before I actually do things I shouldn’t be doing.

Coming back in 3 hours.

Again you are misreprisenting What I am saying on purpose or not
I said that defending someone before letting them defend themself is bad at least in this situation(when they’re online And interaction is decently new) especially with reasoning outside of discussion in case

And no I already said before What you think about their aligment is irrelevant Its always better to not defend them like that

We’ve been through this before on D1

Yeah it’s totally a mystery.
PKR finally messed up his own class like a normal fucking human being.

Imma just go off and have a breather
This game is just argh

No We are talking about different interaction

Not all AtE’s are falsehoods.

When I see something like this, I experience the same kind of dread I have felt in several past town games of mine where I have sat idly by and let an LHF die despite kind of knowing deep down they were an LHF who was being tunneled.

@Shurian are you really ready to say arete and priestess aren’t scum now that fast


it just seems a bit too easy to me for those tunneling PKR


I’m going offline.
Normally I’d be on during Uni but at this time Uni may be my stress relief from whatever this is

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I meant the KPN here, not you. The only scum who benefit from kill targets that are slowly dying are Reaper who gain souls outside from groupscum.

Anti-claim mechanic that makes things worse isn’t your fault

Hey, dude
But this is more than just a bit much to take

I almost typed out a spew of frustrated yelling. I want to, but at the rate I’m going I’m just going to implode onto the thread and cause a whole massive ripple in activity.

Sorry man

And man it feels like I’m talking to a whole team of scum

Start using your heads in the game holy shit

Also I hope its not like fake rage like Astand did last time with MGS FM.

Apologies for the ping and please feel better

Guys, defend yourself by making reads.

Confirmed scum Cuz town cant spew people

Read I am extremely confident on:
Either PKR is scum or at least one of Priestess, Arete, and Solic is scum

I don’t see both PKR and arete both being scum now
The others are mix-and-matchable

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i have not ISO’d like half the players though so take this with a grain of salt

Now talking seriously Whats pkr scumgame